My question is this: I have six of these great 30-pin mcu's and the blue LED's all behave differently. For instance, some mcu's will light these blue LED's when there is absolutely NO code reference to GPIO2. If I set - Code: Select all digitalWrite (blu_led, LOW) in setup(...
My question is this: I have six of these great 30-pin mcu's and the blue LED's all behave differently. For instance, some mcu's will light these blue LED's when there is absolutely NO code reference to GPIO2. If I set - Code: Select all digitalWrite (blu_led, LOW) in setup(...
My question is this: I have six of these great 30-pin mcu's and the blue LED's all behave differently. For instance, some mcu's will light these blue LED's when there is absolutely NO code reference to GPIO2. If I set - Code: Select all digitalWrite (blu_led, LOW) in setup(...
1.ESP-WROOM-32 30 PIN 开发板 PINOUT 如果您跟我一样使用的是ESP32 30针开发板,您可以使用下面的GPIO图作为参考。ESP32 30针开发板GPIO引脚图 注:有几种开发板,如36针开发板和ESP32-Pico-Kit以及其他几种。我不在这里全部列出,但你可以使用这里的引脚定义作为参考。 2.ESP32的基本引脚 此外,有些引脚具有...
My question is this: I have six of these great 30-pin mcu's and the blue LED's all behave differently. For instance, some mcu's will light these blue LED's when there is absolutely NO code reference to GPIO2. If I set - Code: Select all digitalWrite (blu_led, LOW) in setup(...
Buy ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32 Bluetooth Wifi Dual Core ESP32-S ESP32 30 Pin Development Board CP2102 Type C ESP 32 Nodemcu Bluetooth Module at Aliexpress for . Find more , and products. Enjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
我手里这块是ESP32WROOM开发板,20多块钱,性价比非常高。 1.环境搭建 环境搭建就不在此赘述,大佬写的都很详细,我使用的环境为VSCODE + PlatformioIDE + Arduino 开发,搭建环境是一件十分耗时间的事情,笔者即使用了魔法,也整整花了快一天的时间,所以各位小伙伴一定要耐心。
ESP-WROOM-32集成了传统蓝牙、低功耗蓝牙和Wi-Fi,具有广泛的用途:Wi-Fi支持极大范围的通信连接,也支持通过路由器直接连接互联网;而蓝牙可以让用户连接手机或者广播 BLE Beacon以便于信号检测。ESP32芯片的睡眠电流小于5uA,使其适用于电池供电的可穿戴电子设备。
本工程设计支持两种型号:ESP32-S ESP32-WROOM 这两款引脚相同,直接PIN TO PIN。 虽然还有其他的ESP32型号,本人能力有限画不了万能板。 本工程支持自动烧录,排针引出方便外接测试。 方案设计: 1.采用流行的Type-C接口(跟上时代) 2.采用AMS1117-3.3 LOD压降芯片(囤了很多要用完) ...