实现web界面post及get功能请求,此方式可以在eps32 station模式(通过example_connectl连上wifi)下实现,节省时间(避免电脑来回切换wifi,和esp32ap)。整体界面只需要两个标签,两个输入框,一个按钮组成 ESP32实现wifi名称和密码解析,构想名称和密码发送格式采用网络传输常用的json格式,发送方法采用post方法 实现eps32 ap ...
iperf.flag |= IPERF_FLAG_SERVER;// iperf.source_ip4 = wifi_get_local_ip();iperf.flag |= IPERF_FLAG_SERVER; iperf.len_send_buf =0; iperf.sport = IPERF_DEFAULT_PORT; iperf.dport = IPERF_DEFAULT_PORT; iperf.interval =1; iperf.time = IPERF_DEFAULT_TIME; ...
首先连接wifi,可以把手机当做热点,电脑和esp32同时连在手机热点,这样就可以进行通信了 void http_server_start() { /*挂载SPIFFS文件系统*/ const char* base_path = "/data"; MyfileSystem_mount_storage(base_path); /*启动ap模式*/ wifi_ap_sta_start(); /*启动server*/ example_start_file_server(ba...
Re: Wifi station example and ESP32-S2 by timokett » Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:09 pm I now found out that when I loop a while before going into nv_init, it works. I merged the led blink example with station example to add few blinks at the beginning: Code: [Select all] [Expand...
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(example_connect());//wifi连接函数,WiFi信息在menuconfig配置 #ifdefCONFIG_EXAMPLE_IPV4 xTaskCreate(tcp_server_task,"tcp_server",4096,(void*)AF_INET,5,NULL);//创建一个tcp_server的任务 #endif #ifdefCONFIG_EXAMPLE_IPV6 xTaskCreate(tcp_server_task,"tcp_server",4096,(void*)AF_IN...
Re: ESP32 C3 WebServer over WiFi with Charting example please. Postbylbernstone»Fri May 27, 2022 4:12 pm I prefer to embed the html in the firmware, rather than having it separate on a filesystem. This means it gets updated when you flash via OTA, and it gets verified by checksum...
AP模式(又称Soft-AP模式或Server模式):将ESP设置为AP,可供周围设备连接,此时相当于ESP开热点 AP-STA共存模式:ESP32既是接入点,同时又作为基站连接到另外一个接入点,此时相当于ESP连着隔壁wifi开热点给自家用 同时支持以上模式的安全模式(WPA、WPA2、WEP等),可以理解成安全蹭网 ...
I (393) wifi:wifi firmware version: 57982fe I (393) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0 I (393) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled I (403) wifi:config nano formating: enabled I (403) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32 ...
MicroPython Script: ESP32/ESP8266 Access point Web Server Example In this section, we will create an example to use ESP32 or ESP8266 in Soft Access Point mode by creating an “Microcontrollerlab” web server. We will configure ESP32/ESP8266 in the soft access point mode by going through ...
自动连接wifi** 底层注册wifi相关事件回调函数**/ESP_ERROR_CHECK(example_connect());/* Register event handlers to stop the server when Wi-Fi or Ethernet is disconnected,* and re-start it upon connection.*///默认使用wifi ,执行 CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_WIFI#ifdef CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_WIFI//esp...