实现web界面post及get功能请求,此方式可以在eps32 station模式(通过example_connectl连上wifi)下实现,节省时间(避免电脑来回切换wifi,和esp32ap)。整体界面只需要两个标签,两个输入框,一个按钮组成 ESP32实现wifi名称和密码解析,构想名称和密码发送格式采用网络传输常用的json格式,发送方法采用post方法 实现eps32 ap ...
首先连接wifi,可以把手机当做热点,电脑和esp32同时连在手机热点,这样就可以进行通信了 void http_server_start() { /*挂载SPIFFS文件系统*/ const char* base_path = "/data"; MyfileSystem_mount_storage(base_path); /*启动ap模式*/ wifi_ap_sta_start(); /*启动server*/ example_start_file_server(ba...
ESP_LOGI(__func__ ,"esp_console_start_repl"); sleep(10); ESP_LOGI(__func__ ,"Start iperf_start 1");iperf_cfg_tiperf = {.type = IPERF_IP_TYPE_IPV4}; iperf.flag |= IPERF_FLAG_SERVER;// iperf.source_ip4 = wifi_get_local_ip();iperf.flag |= IPERF_FLAG_SERVER; iperf.len_se...
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(example_connect());//wifi连接函数,WiFi信息在menuconfig配置 #ifdefCONFIG_EXAMPLE_IPV4 xTaskCreate(tcp_server_task,"tcp_server",4096,(void*)AF_INET,5,NULL);//创建一个tcp_server的任务 #endif #ifdefCONFIG_EXAMPLE_IPV6 xTaskCreate(tcp_server_task,"tcp_server",4096,(void*)AF_IN...
AP模式(又称Soft-AP模式或Server模式):将ESP设置为AP,可供周围设备连接,此时相当于ESP开热点 AP-STA共存模式:ESP32既是接入点,同时又作为基站连接到另外一个接入点,此时相当于ESP连着隔壁wifi开热点给自家用 同时支持以上模式的安全模式(WPA、WPA2、WEP等),可以理解成安全蹭网 ...
Re: Wifi station example and ESP32-S2 Postbytimokett»Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:09 pm I now found out that when I loop a while before going into nv_init, it works. I merged the led blink example with station example to add few blinks at the beginning: ...
I (393) wifi:wifi firmware version: 57982fe I (393) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0 I (393) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled I (403) wifi:config nano formating: enabled I (403) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32 ...
esp32-wifi-manager是esp32的纯C esp-idf组件,可通过门户网站轻松管理wifi网络。 esp32-wifi-manager是一个集所有功能于一身的wifi扫描仪、http服务器和dns守护程序,尽可能地使用最少的RAM。 esp32-wifi-manager将在启动时自动尝试重新连接到以前保存的网络,如果找不到保存的wifi,它将启动自己的接入点,您可以通过...
Re: HTTP server simple example Postbyaccacca»Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:17 am Deviecs are connected to the same router ESP32 ip= connected to Wifi AP router interface PC ip= connected to Eth router interface I also tried ping from a smartphone (App Ping & Net) conne...
ESP32 in Station (STA) mode using ESP-IDF, how to make WiFi connection and connect with an access point using esp-idf Wi-Fi drivers details of library