针对您遇到的 esp32 undefined reference to 'app_main' 错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,按照这些步骤进行检查和修改通常可以解决此问题: 确认app_main 函数是否已在代码中定义: 确保您的项目中有一个名为 app_main 的函数定义。在 ESP-IDF 中,app_main 是应用程序的入口点,类似于标准 C 程序中的 main 函数...
编译错误提示undefined reference to app_main的原因? 2024-06-25 444 在esp-idf-v4.4 SDK上编译ESP32C3会在libphy.a提示undefined reference to `rom_temp_to_power'的错误的原因? 2023-03-07 288 在esp-idf-v4.4 SDK上编译ESP32C3会在libphy.a提示undefined reference to `rom_temp_to_power&...
E:/esp32/sdk/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/port_common.c:129: undefined reference to `app_main' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. ninja failed with exit code 1但是我的app_main()函数是可以找到的,怎么破??? abansal...
Also running idf.py reconfigure task (you can find this in VIEW..COMMAND PALETTE) usually helps when you have changes Cmale needs to know about. if you are coding in CPP, you need to use extern "C" void app_main(void) instead of the app_main() for if you are using C12...
(.literal.main_task+0x18): undefined reference to `app_main' /home/scip/D/github/buswetter/esptest/build/esp32/libesp32.a(cpu_start.o): In function `main_task': /usr/local/esp32/esp-idf/components/esp32/cpu_start.c:512: undefined reference to `app_main' collect2: error: ld ...
Re: ESP32 使用idf.py build 后,提示 undefined reference to `app_main' Quote PostbyESP_morris»Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:56 am 因为你的应用程序没有提供app_main函数.这是用户程序的入口.请参考idf中的example代码 Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 105 guests...
build/esp32/libesp32.a(cpu_start.o): in function `main_task': /home/fhe/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/cpu_start.c:556: undefined reference to `app_main' 程序结构如下 esp_idf (文件夹 esp32 sdk) main.c Makefile 在console下直接运行make出现上述错误 Makefile内容如下 PROJECT_NAME := ...
ESP32 是一款基于 Xtensa 架构的系统级芯片 (SoC),它通常使用 FreeRTOS 作为其操作系统。FreeRTOS 是...
/Users/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/port_common.c:122: undefined reference to 'app_main' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. 终端进程已终止,退出代码: 1 For the ESP-IDF framework, the main() function needs to be named app...
Task/Task_Gui.c:13: undefined reference to `lvgl_driver_init’ However, the component manager is not enabled 解决问题1 但是我去找这个文件的时候,发现, lvgl_driver_init();这个函数是17行的 我检查了CMakeLists.txt文件,发现一切配置没有任何问题。