However, when I decided to try UART_NUM_2, with TX (17) and RX (16), no test_str was output. I'm not sure what is wrong with the program. I can only suspect that the program is fine, but maybe when I'm running sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 or the ESP-IDF monitor command...
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(uart_driver_install(UART_NUM_1, /* 串口1 */ UART1_TX_BUF_SIZE, /* 发送FIFO的大小 */ UART1_RX_BUF_SIZE, /* 接受FIFO的大小 */ 0, /* 不使用queue */ NULL, /* 因为不使用queue,所以NULL */ 0) /* 不分配中断标志 */ ); while(1) { uart_write_bytes(UART_NUM_...
// Write data to UART.char*test_str="This is a test string.\n";uart_write_bytes(uart_num,(constchar*)test_str,strlen(test_str));函数 传输结束时添加串行中断信号,示例代码: // Write data to UART, end with a break signal.uart_write_bytes_with_b...
5. 发送数据到UART:当您收到WiFi数据后,您需要将其发送到UART。您可以使用`uart_write_bytes()`...
uart_port_t uart_num:串口号,支持 UART_NUM_0,UART_NUM_1,UART_NUM_2 uint8_t* buf:接收数据缓冲地址 uint32_t length:接收缓冲区长度 TickType_t ticks_to_wait:等待时间 1. 2. 3. 2 串口数据接收使用函数 uart_write_bytes,这个函数定义: ...
以下UART 接口位于driver/include/driver/uart.h。 2.1 uart_param_config 2.2 uart_driver_install 2.3 uart_read_bytes 2.4 uart_write_bytes 2.5 uart_set_pin ESP32的串口是支持引脚映射的,比如我的开发板串口一默认的是GPIO9和GPIO10,现在将TX、RX映射到GPIO4和GPIO5上。
uart_write_bytes(UART_NUM_0, char* string, size_t size);. All the calls to printf() succeed. The calls to uart_write_bytes() fail with the messages as shown in this snippet of output. As I mentioned before, using the Espressif DevKitC, all of these calls, both printf() and uart...
void app_uart_main() { uart_init(); } void uarttest() { uart_write_bytes(UART_NUM_0, " uart0 test OK ", strlen(" uart0 test OK ")); } 启动以后我运行了几个软件timer,clock_timer_handle中定时调用uarttest(): Code: Select all err = esp_timer_create(&ntp_timer_arg, &ntp_tim...
设置串口,使用uart_driver_install函数进行 install: 在这里插入图片描述 参数分别为:串口号,接收缓冲区,发送缓冲区,队列长度(消息长度),中断回调函数(没有写NULL),中断标志位。 在示例中使用: 在这里插入图片描述 完成前面3步就完成了UART的基本配置,接下来就可以进行收发了, 使用uart write bytes()往Tx FIFO...
uart_write_bytes(UART_NUM_0, (const char *) data, len); } } 例程2解析:串口事件处理 1、初始化串口 void Uart0even_Init() { uart_config_t uart_config = { .baud_rate = 115200, .data_bits = UART_DATA_8_BITS, .parity = UART_PARITY_DISABLE, ...