}DIR_Type;//运行方向 extern long target_pos;//有符号方向 extern long current_pos;//有符号方向 void Driver_Init(void);//驱动器初始化 void TIM8_OPM_RCR_Init(u16 arr,u16 psc);//TIM8_CH2 单脉冲输出+重复计数功能初始化 void TIM8_Startup(u32 frequency); //启动定时器8 void Locate_Rle(...
Cloud Studio代码运行 #include<stdio.h>#include"freertos/FreeRTOS.h"#include"freertos/task.h"#include"esp_system.h"#include"esp_spi_flash.h"#include"driver/gpio.h"voidapp_main(){//esp_err_t gpio_set_direction(gpio_num_t gpio_num, gpio_mode_t mode)if(ESP_OK==gpio_set_direction(GPI...
学会操作GPIO 硬件环境 ESP32-ttgo开发板 软件环境 vscode vscode插件platformIO IDE 先来几张靓照,type-c接口,有电池充电供电电路,用户按键,还是非常小巧的: 1、官方规格说明 更多介绍: https://www.jmaker.com.tw/products/ttgo-t-display 2、引脚分配 3、开发环境搭建 开发环境真可谓是多种多样,windows,mac,...
我们先按照之前的博文 把驱动移植过来,在my_button.c文件中,通过按键操作,使用esp_wifi_restore删除配网信息: 这样的话,我们可以通过手动删除配网信息,使得复位后需要重新配网: 上一下my_button.c源码: #include<string.h>#include"esp_log.h"#include"iot_button.h"#include"driver/gpio.h"#include"button_gp...
4、打开app_mcpwm.c文件,开始对电机控制函数进行实现。 #include <stdio.h> #include "string.h" #include "app_mcpwm.h" #include "driver/mcpwm.h" //电机PWM输出控制的部分其实芯片厂商已经给出对应的接口,具体实现在esp-idf目录下的driver目录中。我们这里把头文件#include "driver/mcpwm.h"添加进来就可...
.stop_bits = UART_STOP_BITS_1, // 停止位 .flow_ctrl = UART_HW_FLOWCTRL_RTS, // 硬件流控 .rx_flow_ctrl_thresh = 122, // 接收缓冲区阈值 .source_clk = UART_SCLK_DEFAULT, // 时钟源 }; // 安装UART驱动程序并获取队列 uart_driver_install(UART_NUM_0, 4096, 8192,...
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "uart event type: %d", event.type); break; } } } free(dtmp); dtmp = NULL; vTaskDelete(NULL); } void UART_Init(void) { /* Configure parameters of an UART driver, * communication pins and install the driver */ ...
bool driver_start_flag; //1: driver is started; 0: driver is stoped bool use_adc1; //1: ADC unit1 will be used; 0: ADC unit1 won't be used. bool use_adc2; //1: ADC unit2 will be used; 0: ADC unit2 won't be used. This determines whether to acqui...
Driver_ESPEasySC16IS752_Serial.cpp [3.0.0] Complete rewrite to support ESP32-C3/S2/S3 with USBCDC and HWCDC May 31, 2023 Driver_ESPEasySC16IS752_Serial.h [3.0.0] Complete rewrite to support ESP32-C3/S2/S3 with USBCDC and HWCDC May 31, 2023 Driver_ESPEasySoftwareSerial.cpp [3.0...
{ BaseType_t task_created; app_event_queue_t evt_queue; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "HID Host example"); // Init BOOT button: Pressing the button simulates app request to exit // It will disconnect the USB device and uninstall the HID driver and USB Host Lib const gpio_config_t input_pin = {...