WS:I2S声道选择线,I2S协议可以传输左右两个声道的数据,WS信号是由主机发送给从机的,从机根据WS的电平高低,判断当前数据帧发送左声道还是右声道数据,WS低电平时,从机发送左声道数据,高电平发送右声道。 L/R:芯片左右声道选择线,每个麦克风只能检测一处声源,因此若要进行双声道录音,就要使用两个模块,一左一右放置。
一、准备模块 1.esp8266 2.stm32f103 3.TTL下载器 4.杜邦线若干 二、esp8266下载机智云固件 1.打开机智云官网 2.注册机智云 3.如下图下载固件 下载解压后就是下图这个文件夹 三、烧录固件 1.烧录接线,IO0接地才能进入下载模式 2.打开烧录软件,如下图烧录进去 四、创建产品,下载单片机代码 1.创建产品 一定...
I purchased an ESP8266-DEVKITC-02U-F from Digi-Key but haven't been able to communicate with it using a Windows 10 PC. When I plug in a USB cable, the module Red LED lights up but no COM port device is created. I have read and downloaded many Espressif documents and read the ...
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiUdp.h> WiFiUDP Udp; unsigned int localUdpPort = 4210; // local port to listen on char incomingPacket[255]; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 4, 1); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); WiFi.begin("ESP32", "123456789");
一、硬件准备 Arduino ESP8266/ESP32开发板 多路DS18B20温度传感器 杜邦线若干 面包板 电源适配器 二、...
Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on: home-automationarduinoesp8266remote-controlcommunicationesp32arduino-ideplatformioarduino-libraryprotocolshacktoberfesthvacinfraredir-decoderairconditioners...
1. STM32 project example of ESP8266 AT command project:STM32AT command project for ESP8266 Instructions for use: unzip the project compression package to obtain Tencent Cloud AT Command Control Lamp Project:stm32对接腾讯云控灯.zip Ali Feiyan AT command light control project:STM32 Ali Feiyan AT...
ESP-IDF BluFi Demo ESP32-BluFi Component & ESP-IDF Demo (Mark Wolfe) Bluetooth BTstack Port for the Espressif ESP32 Platform Audio MP3 & AAC Decoder (Forum Post, Demo Video) Michael “MrBuddyCasino” Böckling's port of Jeroen “Spritetm” Domburg's ESP8266 MP3 decoder to the ESP32....
1. Debug Communication Mode & Debug Port - [x] SWD(SW-DP) - [x] JTAG(JTAG-DP) - [x] SWJ-DP 1. SoC Compatibility - [x] ESP8266/8285 - [x] ESP32 2. USB Communication Mode 2. Debug Communication Mode - [x] SWD - [x] JTAG 3. USB Communication Mode - [x] USB-HID -...