StringBuilder 方法 StringBuffer 和 StringBuilder 类 当对字符串进行修改的时候,需要使用 StringBuffer 和 StringBuilder 类。 和String 类不同的是,StringBuffer 和 StringBuilder 类的对象能够被多次的修改,并且不产生新的未使用对象。 StringBuilder 类在 Java 5 中被提出,它和 StringBuffer 之间的最大不同在于 Str...
This is a tristate test. # string 表示一个字符串 config MY_TEST_STRING string "string_test" help This is a string test. endmenu 效果: 宏定义的名字是CONFIG_ + 配置名(config后边的) 对于bool,只有被选择的配置才会生成宏定义为1 可以编辑值,按?(即Shift+? / ?_/? / )即可打开帮助(hel...
client.setCallback(callback);while(!client.connected()) { String client_id ="esp32-client-"; client_id += String(WiFi.macAddress()); Serial.printf("The client %s connects to the public MQTT broker\n", client_id.c_str());if(client.connect(client_id.c_str(), mqtt_username, mqtt_...
Serial.println("Temp Low: " + String(weatherdata.low)); Serial.println("Humidity: " + String(weatherdata.humi)); client.stop(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // 初始化OLED显示 u8g2.begin(); u8g2.clearDisplay();
String getUrl = "/v3/weather/daily.json?key="; getUrl += privateKey; getUrl += "&location="; getUrl += city; getUrl += "&language="; getUrl += language; client.print(String("GET ") + getUrl + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\...
I know using String is generaly not adviced due to memory leakage but i have a simple question about it regardless. Let's say i have globably declared an array of strings: Code: Select all String payload2D[40]; Then in a loop i first init this array of Strings to "0": Code: ...
chariv_str[17]={0};//The last '\0' helps terminate the stringgetRandomStr(iv_str,16);ESP_LOGI(TAG,"iv_str: %s\n",(char*)iv_str); On Arduino If you are working on Arduino instead of ESP-IDF, you can still use the above function. Instead of ESP_LOGI, you can use the more...
找到String fontName和String fontType所在行,fontName后面的名字改为字体名字,fontType为ttf或者otf,若字体文件为其他格式可以在字体转换网站转换为otf或ttf,int fontSize为生成字体本身的大小,int displayFontSize为生成字体的预览大小,两个值可以根据需要自行修改 ...