步总的视频:ESP32+LVGL源码结构讲解中基于 官方的spi屏幕例程(https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/examples/peripherals/lcd/spi_lcd_touch) 做了调整,加上了i2c的触摸屏驱动。 但是步总在改动官方的spi屏幕例程中,手搓了一个ft6236的触屏驱动,来适配 "星球一号" 开发板,这个难度有点大,不适合...
LCD可以显示 2个月前 sdkconfig.old 可以touch,可以rotate表盘 2个月前 README SPI LCD and Touch Panel Example Touch controller STMPE610 How to use the example Hardware Required Hardware Connection Build and Flash Example Output Troubleshooting Supported TargetsESP32ESP32-C2ESP32-C3ESP32-C6ES...
第一篇:ESP-IDF基本介绍,主要会涉及模组,芯片,开发板的介绍,环境搭建,程序编译下载,启动流程等一些基本的操作,让你对ESP-IDF开发有一个总体的认识,比我们后续学习打下基础! 第二篇:ESP32-IDF外设驱动介绍,主要会根据esp-idf现有的driver,提供各个外设的驱动,比如LED,OLED,SPI LCD,TOUCH,红外,Codec ic等等,在这...
目前项目用ESP32-S3来驱动QSPI接口的LCD,驱动IC为GC9B71(规格书参考附件)。试着在ESP-IDF的范例spi_lcd_touch_example_main基础修改了一下,没办法点亮屏,已修改部分请参考附件代码。发现应该要修改esp_lcd_panel_io_spi.c这个文件来适配QSPI的时序。 请问能否提供一些修改指南?或者类似项目参考,谢谢!
三个外设(将LCD的display和touch视为一个)都需要持续运行! 在初版设计中,采用两路SPI控制所有外设,效果不好,SPI分时复用时空闲的任务易跑飞,RTOS的阻塞和通知也无法完美地稳定它们,且投影的帧率会受限,最终选择用SDMMC读取MicroSD卡。 ②缓存和投影两个任务之间的通知和阻塞怎么解决? 思路是所有上层逻辑只控制缓存,...
I am trying to build the "peripherals/lcd/spi_lcd_touch" example for the https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.28 board.I was able to run this example https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tr ... _lcd_touch successfully but I cannot figure out how to enable the touch...
ESP32s3 development board 4.3 inch touch screen LVGL module LCD display RGB interface development SPI $15.00 - $23.60 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return Raspberry PI 3.5 inches LCD touch screen module HX8357D $7.93 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return 2.4 inch 4-wire SPI serial TFT LCD module ...
LCD interface: The development board has a 1.28-inch screen with 4-wire SPI communication on board, the SPI rate can be increased to 80MHz, and the touch uses I2C communication (the development board uses GPIO2 to control the brightness of the backlight, and two MOS tube control switch co...
USB, SPI 品牌 Wireless-Tag Model Name WT32S3-86S Size 3.95 inch Resolution 480*480 MCU ESP32-S3-WROVER Display type IPS.Capacitive Touch Screen Dimention (MM) 86*86*37mm Flash 128Mbits Drive IC model GC9503V Display Interface RGB Touch Interface 12C 包装和发货信息 Packaging Details ESD包...