3. 设置数据在SPI上的传输方式 SPI.setBitOrder(bitOrder); 参数: bitOrder : 传输方式, 可选: LSBFIRST 低有效位先传 ; HSBFIRST 高有效位先传 SPI.setBitOrder(LSBFIRST); 3. 设置SPI频率 SPI.setFrequency(freq) 参数: freq 频率 SPI.setFrequency(1000000); 4. 设置SPI的时钟模式 SPI.setDataMode(...
ESP32S3 SPI发送间隔频率驱动ADS8326esp32s3 spi例程 代码测试用寄存器方式实现spi发送寄存器描述 驱动ADS8326ads8326驱动时序 首先CS信号拉低,然后clk发送6个时钟,ads8326开始启动转换。 最后clk发送16个时钟,就会读取到两个字节的数据(高位在前)esp32s3 spi例程 代码//SPI总线配置结构 static spi_bus_conf ESP32...
SPIClass SPI(VSPI); #else SPIClass SPI(FSPI); #endif 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在sdkconfig.h头文件中可以查看到已经定义了#define CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 1,所以是使用VSPI定义了SPI对象。 在esp32-hal-spi.h文件中可以找到如下代码,这里定义了FSPI、HSPI、VSPI的宏定义,分别为1、2、3。 #if CONF...
SPI.setFrequency(4000000); // 4MHz ```6. 检查代码:检查您的代码,确保没有其他地方可能影响SPI...
https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp ... slave.html In this link,SPI Slave SCLK Frequency limited 11.4MHz or 7.2MHz. But it's 40MHz in the datasheet. Which one is right?ESP_wangning Posts: 17 Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:21 am ...
// 这里有两个参数:第一个是SPI总线ID,第二个是片选引脚,-1表示不使用 SpiConnectionSettings cset = new(1, -1) { Mode = SpiMode.Mode0, ClockFrequency = 2400000, // 通信频率 DataBitLength = 8 }; // 初始化SPI设备 SpiDevice spidev = SpiDevice.Create(cset); ...
// For the STM32 processor define the SPI port channel used (default 1 if undefined) //#define TFT_SPI_PORT 2 // Set to 1 for SPI port 1, or 2 for SPI port 2 // Define the SPI clock frequency, this affects the graphics rendering speed. Too ...
LCD resolution is 320x480 and SPI frequency is 6000000,I tried using 8000000 but it didn't show up. I use esp32 Arduino 2.02 library, and TFT_eSPI library is up to date (updated today). LVGL was then used and the performance test was performed with the following results. I thought do...
printf("read %d byte data end, spi frequency: %ld, time: %f sn", test_size, SPI_FREQUENCY, (lTime / 1000000.0)); if(buf) { free(buf); } 速度测试结果如下: 我这里只测试了GD25Q64,没有测试W25Q128,读写速度应该是差不多的。 SPI 40MHz读写1MB数据测试: SPI 20MHz读写1MB数据测试: ...