I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) 集成电路总线是I2CBus的简称, 是一种串行通信总线, 使用多主从架构. 飞利浦公司在1980年代为了让主板, 嵌入式系统或手机用以连接低速周边设备而发展. I2C的正确读法为"I-squared-C"。 I2C只使用两条双向漏极开路(Open Drain): 串行数据SDA及串行时钟频率SCL总线, 且利用上拉电阻...
初始化u8g2的代码为: #include<Arduino.h>#include<U8g2lib.h>#include<SPI.h>#include<Wire.h>U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_2_SW_I2Cu8g2(U8G2_R0,22,21);voidsetup(){u8g2.begin();} 其中, U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_2_SW_I2C 代表不同显示屏不同驱动的构造函数,笔者使用的OLED显示屏为...
The board includes a 128x64 OLED display, which is based on the SH1106 driver chip. Note that the I2C display is connected to pins 26 (SDA) and 27 (SCL), so you need to edit theesp32/pins_arduino.hfile to: static const uint8_t SDA = 26; static const uint8_t SCL = 27; Her...
For example if you want to set the blinking cursor, or cursor moving direction, or display shifts etc. You need to see the registers mentioned in the datasheet, and set the values accordingly.I have kept it simple in the library I am using here....
U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_2_SW_I2Cu8g2(U8G2_R0,22,21); voidsetup(){u8g2.begin();} 其中,U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_2_SW_I2C代表不同显示屏不同驱动的构造函数,笔者使用的OLED显示屏为SH1106的驱动,I2C通信方式。关于不同显示屏不同驱动的所有构造函数列表。
09.30 1.3" OLED SH1106 I2C 09.40 0.96" OLED SSD1315 I2C 09.50 Neopixels 09.60 MAX7219 8x8 Matrix display - Part 1: random pixels 09.62 MAX7219 8x8 Matrix display - Part 2: text Motors 10.10 Mini servo motor 10.20 DC motor with DRV8871 ...
you can use set either another frequency or skip setting the frequency by providing -1 value//SH1106Wire(0x3c, SDA, SCL, GEOMETRY_128_64, I2C_ONE, 400000); //set I2C frequency to 400kHz//SH1106Wire(0x3c, SDA, SCL, GEOMETRY_128_64, I2C_ONE, -1); //skip setting the I2C bus ...
U8g2支持单色OLED和LCD,包括以下控制器:SSD1305,SSD1306,SSD1309,SSD1322,SSD1325,SSD1327,SSD1329,SSD1606,SSD1607,SH1106,SH1107,SH1108,SH1122,T6963,RA8835,LC7981,PCD8544,PCF8812,HX1230 ,UC1601,UC1604,UC1608,UC1610,UC1611,UC1701,ST7565,ST7567,ST7588,ST75256,NT7534,IST3020,...
(308 total) of touch electrodes connected to three MPR121 12-channel capacitive touch sensors connected to an ESP32 via I2C. Additionally, 60 LEDS controlled by two shift registers are interspaced between the touch electrodes. As only one LED will be on at a given time, [Pedro] can use ...
#define LCD_NONE 255 // Black&White //I2C #define LCD_I2C_SH1106 0 //128X64 #define LCD_I2C_SSD1306 1 //128X64 #define LCD_I2C_SSD1309 2 //128X64 #define LCD_I2C_SSD1325 3 //128X64 #define LCD_I2C_SSD1306NN 4 //128X64 #define LCD_I2C_SSD1309NN 5 //128X64 #define...