p2 = Pin(2, Pin.IN) #createinputpinonGPIO2 print(p2.value()) #getvalue,0or1p4 = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) #enableinternalpull-up resistor p5 = Pin(5, Pin.OUT,value=1) #setpin highoncreation p6 = Pin(6, Pin.OUT, drive=Pin.DRIVE_3) #setmaximum drive strength 引脚范围...
Configuration.SetPinFunction(PIN_MISO, DeviceFunction.SPI1_MISO); 2、先给背光线来一波高电平,不然LCD不亮。 GpioController ctrl =new();varpinbl =ctrl.OpenPin(LCD_BL); pinbl.SetPinMode(PinMode.Output); pinbl.Write(PinValue.High); 3、配置控制屏幕的 SPI 参数,类型是 SpiConfiguration, 也是在 ...
// set pin modes // 设置引脚模式 pinMode(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, OUTPUT); delay(1000); // 启动雷达转动 digitalWrite(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, HIGH); } void loop() { if (IS_OK(lidar.waitPoint())) { float distance = lidar.getCurrentPoint().distance; //distance value in mm unit //距离值以毫米为单位 ...
p2=Pin(2,Pin.IN)# create input pin on GPIO2print(p2.value())#getvalue,0or1p4=Pin(4,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)# enable internal pull-up resistor p5=Pin(5,Pin.OUT,value=1)#setpin high on creation 可用的引脚来自以下范围(包括以下范围):0-19、21-23、25-27、32-39。这些对应于ESP32芯片...
on GPIO4p4.value(0)# set pin to high levelp4.value(1)# set pin to low levelp5=Pin(5,Pin.IN)# create input pin on GPIO2print(p5.value())# get value, 0 or 1p4=Pin(4,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)# enable internal pull-up resistorp5=Pin(5,Pin.OUT,value=1)# set pin high on ...
}voidloop(){//1 通过库函数对GPIO进行操作digitalWrite(gpio_pin, LOW);//set 0digitalWrite(gpio_pin, HIGH);//set 1} 通过逻辑分析仪测量引脚电平波形,可以看到低电平约为325ns,高电平约为439ns。 方式二:通过定义的寄存器结构体对GPIO进行操作
// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers: constintbuttonPin=15;// the number of the pushbutton pin constintledPin=2;// the number of the LED pin // variables will change: intbuttonState=0;// variable for reading the pushbutton status ...
// set pin numbers const int touchPin = 4; const int ledPin = 2; const int threshold = 30; // 设置阈值 int ledState = LOW; // the current state of the output pin int touchState; // the current reading from the input pin ...
4、GPIO模拟输入:analogRead(pin) 注意: 模拟输入是通过PWM实现的, 所以不需要初始化PIN analogRead(4) 5. 模拟信号输入分辨率: analogSetWidth(bit); 6. 模拟信号输出 (基于LEDC) LEDC是基于PWM调制实现模拟输出的. 与arduino uno主板不同, ESP32的PWM模拟是一个个通道 共16个, 通道可以映射到引脚上. 引脚...
voidsetup(){Wire.setPins(SDA_PIN,SCL_PIN);Wire.setClock(5000);Wire.begin();} 关于两路I2C可以这么写。 TwoWire WireA=TwoWire(0);TwoWire WireB=TwoWire(1);voidsetup(){WireA.begin(DEVICE_ADDRESS,I2C_IN_SDA,I2C_IN_SCL,5000);WireA.onReceive(receiveEvent);WireB.begin(I2C_OUT_SDA,I2C_...