Re: ESP32 WiFi non blocking send errors Postbykolban»Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:47 pm I would be VERY dissapointed to hear that sending data over WiFi interfered with the timings of reading from a UART. Since UART doesn't have a shared clock, it is vital that it maintain very coherent tim...
2.WiFi初始化,首先去读取NVS内部wifi_cfg信息,尝试去连接,如果能连接上: if (bits & WIFI_CONNECTED_BIT) /* WiFi连接成功事件 */ { printf("connected to ap %s OK \n",wifi_ssid); vEventGroupDelete(wifi_event_group_handler); /* 删除WiFi连接事件标志组,WiFi连接成功后不再需要 */ esp_timer_st...
I am sending data over the WiFi at about 30 Kbyte/sec. (I see about 18 messages/second with each message having about 1400 bytes.) I am using TCP/IP connection-oriented transmissions. Just before the error, the iPhone reports receiving only 64 bytes of data and having a very small ...
strncpy ((char*)wifi_config.sta.ssid, (char*)ssid, sizeof(wifi_config.sta.ssid)); strncpy ((char*)wifi_config.sta.password, (char*)password, sizeof(wifi_config.sta.password)); if (wifi_get_authmode(&wifi_config.sta.threshold.authmode, ssid) != false) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_...
My application is to receive the data from master(stm32) through spi protocol and send the received data to Wi-Fi through an UDP protocol. So I have created the two tasks one for spi and another for wifi. The speed of wifi is getting around 3Mbps but my application is to reach 50Mbp...
I am working on an AR/VR project with an ESP32 (STA mode) that creates a server and sends axis + acceleration informations to that server. But very randomly it stops to sending information to that server. I tested it numerously times and sometimes suddenly it cuts to sending data sometime...
D-duino-32 V3 WiFi Packet Monitor V3 ESP32-WROVER or ESP32-WROVER-I SiLabs CP210? ESP32-WROVER based development board with 1.3 inch OLED (GPIO26-SDA, GPIO27-SCL) TP4056+DW06+LM39100 battery charging, 1 A charging/discharging, over-charging and over-discharging protection, LED indicator...
在ESP32CAM端直接下载示例代码udp_server这个历程,修改默认的WIFI和密码,启动之后会输出如下结果 由此我们知道了UDP的地址和端口IP地址为192.168.2.3,端口为3333 此时我们使用小工具NetAssist.exe来测试,选择UDP协议之后向ESP32CAM的地址发送广播,如下图所示
if (incoming == 49) { SerialBT.println(analog_value); // Why is it always sending these numbers 52 48 57 53 13 10?? } if (incoming == 48) { SerialBT.println("IJKLMNOP"); } } delay(20); } Hetric changed the title Problem sending ADC values over bluetooth Problem sending ADC...