/* Initialize the SD card and FatFS itself. * Better to do it in your code to keep this library utouched for easy updating*/ sdCard_Init(); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 这里主要是在lv_fs_fatfs.c文件下的fs_init函数内进行文件系统的初始化,调用我们在sdspi库内建立的sd...
/*** SD Card Code ***/ // As per: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/master/libraries/SD/examples/SD_Test //format bytes String formatBytes(size_t bytes) { if (bytes < 1024) { return String(bytes) + "B"; } else if (bytes < (1024 * 1024)) { return String(byt...
2,sd_card.h,sd_card.c 这里就是实现sd卡的初始化,具体怎么弄参考前面的博客,然后里面还有一些esp32操作sd卡的函数,跟前面博客中读取sd卡差不多,应该很好理解,我也是复制的别人的。 #include"sd_card.h"boolSdCard::init() { SPIClass* sd_spi =newSPIClass(HSPI);//another SPIif(!SD.begin(15, *...
2.4 esp_vfs_fat_sdcard_unmount 以下SDMMC 接口位于sdmmc/include/sdmmc_cmd.h。 2.5 sdmmc_card_print_info 三、编程流程 使用“一体式”esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount()函数进行初始化: 初始化SDMMC外设; 检测并初始化连接到SD/MMC插槽1的卡(HS2_CMD、HS2_CLK、HS2_D0、HS2_D1、HS2_D2、HS2_D3...
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Have a FAT Formatted SD Card connected to the SPI port of the ESP8266 The web root is the SD Card root folder ...
Describe the bug When I try to compile some ESP32 code that uses SD library, the following message appears: /home/danilopinotti/Arduino/libraries/SD/src/utility/Sd2PinMap.h:524:2: error: #error Architecture or board not supported. #error...
Board ESP32 Dev Board Device Description ESP32 Dev kit. Micro SD card breakout board (3.3V). Hardware Configuration GPIO 5 connected to CS GPIO 23 connected to MOSI GPIO 18 connected to CLK GPIO 19 connected to MISO Version v2.0.6 IDE Na...
static const char *TAG = "TF SD CARD"; #define MOUNT_POINT "/root" const char mount_point[] = MOUNT_POINT; sdmmc_card_t *card; // create file. const char *file_data = MOUNT_POINT"/data.txt"; // Use POSIX and C standard library functions to work with files: ...
ESP32-WROVER based development board with 1.3 inch OLED (GPIO26-SDA, GPIO27-SCL) TP4056+DW06+LM39100 battery charging, 1 A charging/discharging, over-charging and over-discharging protection, LED indicator (red charging, green full), auto-download function, SD card slot, and a control ...
评估板做了个micro SD卡的接口,方便直接插到带卡槽的开发板上进行调试。 ESP32C3的SPI接口是硬件SPI,支持DMA,速度应该还可以,但是我用杜邦线连接的,肯定会影响信号质量,估计时钟很难跑到50MHz了。 接线: 编写测试程序: /* SD card and FAT filesystem example. ...