ESP32S3 GPIO restrictions : Strapping pin: GPIO0, GPIO3, GPIO45 and GPIO46 are strapping pins. SPI0/1: GPIO26-32 are usually used for SPI flash and PSRAM and not recommended for other uses. When using Octal Flash or Octal PSRAM or both, GPIO33~37 are connected to SPIIO4 ~ SPIIO...
from machine import Pin, SoftSPI sck = Pin(18, Pin.OUT) mosi = Pin(23, Pin.OUT) miso = Pin(19, Pin.OUT) spi = SoftSPI(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=sck, mosi=mosi, miso=miso) sda = Pin(5, Pin.OUT) def do_write(): rdr = mfrc522.MFRC522(spi, sda) print...
miso=Pin(12, Pin.OUT) rst =Pin(9, Pin.OUT) dc=Pin(8, Pin.OUT) cs=Pin(11, Pin.OUT) blk=Pin(7, Pin.OUT) #rst.on() #一定要off才有反映 blk.on() #display = ST7789(hspi,320,240,reset=Pin(9),dc=Pin(8)) #display.fill(CYAN) import lvgl as lv from ili9XXX ...
lcd_pin_rs = machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.OUT) lcd_pin_rst = machine.Pin(16, machine.Pin.OUT) lcd_pin_wr = machine.Pin(23, machine.Pin.OUT) lcd_pin_rd = machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT) lcd_pins_db = [machine.Pin(pin, machine.Pin.OUT) for pin in [12, 13, 14, 15]] #...
#目前esp32 s3+lv_micropython v1.91无法使用lvgl的一些宏定义,一使用就会程序出错,只能根据文档把宏定义改为对应的数字,如LV_KEY_NEXT等定义(对应的是数字9)都不能用,或者它改了名字我用不了。这里记录一下吧。我使用gpio的p0来做实验。 from machine import Pin, SoftSPI,SPI ...
3.6 ESP32-S3启动例程 3.1 为什么选择ESP32-S3 在研发之初,作者也对比过乐鑫官方推出的几款MCU系列,经过它们各自的功能及应用场景来分析,最终作者选择S系列的S3型号。下面,作者比较一下乐鑫推出的芯片有哪些特点:表3.1.1 乐鑫各系列MCU硬件区别 在上述表格中,我们可以看到乐鑫推出的各系列MCU在硬件方面存在...
I am working with an Esp32S3 and I have pins that are configured as I2S peripheral pins. (Bit CLK pin). I would like to know if I can keep the same configuration for this pin (I2S Bit clk) and configure it as output open drain with pullup at the same time ? (via gpio_config ...
Also, you can send content to the XIAO ESP32S3 through the serial monitor, and XIAO will print out each byte of the content you send.Serial1 Usage According to the above XIAO ESP32S3 Pin diagrams for specific parameters, we can observe that there are TX pin and RX pin. This is ...
FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3开发板 的GDI 接口具体定义如下:这个接口,可以专用于GDI接口的显示屏,也可以用...
ESP32-S3是一款由乐鑫公司开发的物联网芯片,它具有一些非常独特的功能和特点。下图为芯片的功能框图。 图3.2.1 ESP32-S3功能框图 结合《esp32-s3_datasheet_cn.pdf》数据手册和上图的内容,简单归纳5个内容。 1,架构和性能:ESP32-S3采用Xtensa® LX7 CPU,这是一个哈佛结构的双核系统。它具有独立的指令总线...