esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(TIME_TO_SLEEP * uS_TO_S_FACTOR); // 配置唤醒源(微秒单位) Serial.println("Setup ESP32 to sleep for every " + String(TIME_TO_SLEEP) +" Seconds"); Serial.println("Going to sleep now"); delay(1000); Serial.flush(); esp_deep_sleep_start(); // 进入...
idf版本是release/v5.0,用的官方示例deep sleep,单模组测出来的功耗 除了低功耗特点外,ESP32-S3MCU还增加了用于加速神经网络计算和信号处理等工作的向量指令(vectorinstructions)。AI开发者们通过ESP-DSP和ESP-NN库使用这些向量指令,可以实现高性能的图像识别、语音唤醒和识别等应用。 ESP32-S3搭载Xtensa32位LX7双核处...
1、light sleep模式下的测试功耗 官方power save示例,根据这个文件做了一些配置改动测试得到的功耗。 2、deep sleep模式下的测试功耗 idf版本是release/v5.0,用的官方示例deep sleep,单模组测出来的功耗 除了低功耗特点外,ESP32-S3MCU还增加了用于加速神经网络计算和信号处理等工作的向量指令(vectorinstructions)。AI开...
休眠期间WiFi或 Bluetooth LE 可保持连接。 Light-sleep模式:CPU暂停工作,数字内核时钟受限。任何唤醒事件(MAC、主机、RTC定时器或外部中断)都会唤醒芯片。休眠期间WiFi或Bluetooth LE可保持连接。 Deep-sleep模式:数字内核断电,CPU内容丢失。RTC时钟定时器或RTC GPIO可以将芯片从Deep-sleep模式中唤醒。进⼊休眠状态后,...
Light sleep is probably a good alternative because the wake up time is much shorter, i.e. less power wasted for booting the chip every time. You can also check if the S3 supports an external 32.768kHz crystal as the sleep clock for BLE which should reduce consumption of BLE during light...
vtaskdelay() causes the GPIO# assigned in esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO#, high) to immediately go high. (Behavior is observed via o-scope.) When the device goes to deep sleep, the device is immediately awaken with the wakeup cause "ext0 wakeup". Removing the vtaskdelay() ...
本教程适用于ESP32S3、ESP32C3、ESP32C6 睡眠模式介绍 ESP32系列常见的休眠方式有三种,分别为Modem-sleep、Light-sleep 和 Deep-sleep。 Modem-sleep模式:CPU 正常工作,可以对时钟进行配置。 进入 Modem-sleep 模式后,还可以选择降低 CPU 时钟频率,进⼀步降低电流。休眠期间WiFi或 Bluetooth LE 可保持连接。
I built an ESP32 remote control based on ESP32-S3-MINI-1 which has several touch pads. I want to wake the ESP32 from deep sleep with these touch pads. However, it seems that only 1 touch channel can wake the ESP32-S3 from deep sleep. Is there a workaround to make from deep slee...
ESP32-S3 的协处理器经过专门设计,无论 CPU 是否处于休眠状态,均可独立于 CPU 运行。 在典型场景中,为了降低功耗,系统可进入 Deep-sleep 模式。系统进入睡眠模式前需完成以下操作: 将协处理器需要执行的程序载入到 RTC 慢速内存; 配置RTC_CNTL_COCPU_SEL 寄存器,选择协处理器; ...
芯片:ESP32-S3 使用官方提供的deep sleep例程,测试低功耗时,测出的功耗为8μA左右。这是正常的。 但如果在该基础上加入蓝牙功能,进入deep sleep后,测试的功耗为1.3mA 左右。 在测试中发现,只要开启了蓝牙控制器,就无法把功耗降至μA级。 在进入休眠前,也把控制器关了。