Recently, I had the chance tosetup an ESPS32-S2 Mini to jailbreak a PS4 on 9.00,for a supporter. While there are many tutorials on the web, during the whole journey, I realised that there are subtle differences to be followed while setting up theseArduino boards for jailbreaking PS4. ...
就平时缓存用的豆子哥折腾网站,上边有个9.00工具区,教程和工具都有要带工具的,豆子哥那个就很好。要不带工具速度快的,91tvg-PS4工具区置顶的ESP32-S2,最下边那个Karo大固件,打开网页不用任何操作就自动破解,因为没带任何工具所以速度快。 8楼2022-03-09 17:59 收起回复 bensie...
Proceeding his PS4 Server 9.00 / PS4 Server 9.00u for ESP8266 D1 Mini & Pro, PS4Scene developer @stooged shared on the forum an ESP32 Server 9.00u for the PS4 9.00 pOOBs4 Exploit with ESP32 S2 Boards noting the best would be an S2 Mini as they're small and around $5...
4. The onboard ESP32-S2 module has a FIash storage capacity of 4MB and can be used for PS49.0 flashing without the need for a USB cable.5. There is no need to tinker with driving and burning firmware on your own, and there is no need to repeatedly plug and unplug. It can be ...
ESP32-C3-MINI-1-H4 ESP32-C3-MINI-1-H4 2023-03-29 16:30:23 ESP32-WROOM-32U-N8 ESP32-WROOM-32U-N8 2023-03-29 22:42:58 PS4Pro机身拆解 拆卸更简单风扇更大 当大家可能还在排队等着买PS4Pro时,已经有人把它拆了。油管频道VirtualFutureTV已经公布了PS4Pro的拆解过程,来看一看PS4Pro三段机身...
背面标注的型号也符合免改的折腾标准 我用的91tvg网站PS4工具区置顶的ESP32-S2,Karo大固件,打开网页自动破解,只需3-5秒。。 ESP32的免改破解确实很快,很方便,免去了U盘拔插。 411876 ps4折腾吧 娜崴脚 ESP32-S2已入手,等我详尽刷录教程目前还没看到完整的刷录教程,买一个玩下测下到底有没有很好用?
esp32和esp8266的区别二: 分享13 ps4折腾吧 SNK2011KOF 估计这是最便宜esp32了吧拼爹爹的货还包邮,我已经成功告别U盘折腾了还没有上车的同学们赶紧一起体现爽快的秒破解吧。 +1 分享4313 ps4折腾吧 娜崴脚 ESP32-S2已入手,等我详尽刷录教程目前还没看到完整的刷录教程,买一个玩下测下到底有没有很好用?
PS4 9.0 Brush toss ESP32-S2 development board ESP32-S2-Wroom Minimal system board $4.40 - $5.29 Min. order: 10 pieces Easy Return ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 ESP32-S3-N16R8 Dual-core WiFi& Bluetooth-compatible MCU Module Internet Of Things Wireless Module $12.10 - $13.75 Min. order: 10 pieces...
ESP32 C3 S2 S3芯片第一次使用时,连接USB接口,则电脑上串口持续断开和重连,原因为芯片内部空白无程序,烧录一个程序后即可正常。#ESP32 #物联网 #电子爱好者 00:00 / 00:05 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞16 哈皮玩3年前03小白做监控-代码开发:基于原生示例只需小范围修改0基础亦可 00:00 / 09:49 连播 ...