PS4 9.0系统,..闲鱼淘了一个8.03系统的港版Pro,升级固件到9.0,摸索着刻录了一个折腾用的U盘,使用了几天又发现还有这个开发板更简单,PDD下单20块买了一个,以为买回来可以直接用,客服也是水得不得了,告诉我直
Recently, I had the chance tosetup an ESPS32-S2 Mini to jailbreak a PS4 on 9.00,for a supporter. While there are many tutorials on the web, during the whole journey, I realised that there are subtle differences to be followed while setting up theseArduino boards for jailbreaking PS4. ...
4 esp32 server 9.00u for ps4 esp32_server_900u.ino.esp32s2.bin espasyncwebserver feathers2 jailbreaking a ps4 in 2022 playstation 4 jailbreak 2022 playstation 4 jailbreaking 2022 playstation 4 scene poobs4 exploit for 9.00 ps4 poobs4 exploit for ps4 9.00 poobs...
Usually, this pairing happens when you connect the controller to the PS4 console using a USB cable, and press the PS button. This initiates writing the console's MAC address to the controller. Therefore, if you want to connect your PS4 controller to the ESP32, you either need to f...
you should be able to connect to the esp32 by its ip on the lan or "ps4.local". connecting this way allows you to have the handsfree jailbreak in the esp32 and still connect to internet services or lan play or hosts online for other payloads, trainers etc. Majuba Member Contrib...