Hello guys, I'm new to this, especially working with ESP modules. I bought an ESP32 with a camera, my wish is to make a QR code reader that, after reading the QR code, will send the data to the server where it will be compared with the database, whether to let the user enter ...
Code:Select all /<folderpathhere>/new_project/components/tvm_model/model/codegen/host/src/default_lib3.c:5:55:error:expected declaration specifiersor'...'before'*'token5| int32_t tvmgen_default_esp_main_64(int8_t* esp_64_i0, * esp_64_i0) { |^ [14/62] Completed'bootloader'ninja...
The code for this project is not compatible with the ESP8266. Regards, Sara Reply Sara June 17, 2023 at 6:12 pm hi, i hope that you are doing well you said that the code for this project is not compatible with the esp8266 what should I do or change in the code to make it...
I refer to the project of this same tutorial: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/program-upload-code-esp32-cam Thank you Reply Dan February 22, 2022 at 11:49 pm I have the sketch uploaded successfully, however, I just get . . . . . and the AI Thinker ESP32-cam never connects to WiF...
(this is serious consideration for my project). I can not develop this project further without solving this. Earlier I was using a second network adapter configured on windows not to interfere with my main network. Now I have removed the mentioned adapter and moved the ESP32 client to my ...
(561) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user codeI (561) cpu_start: cpu freq: 240000000 HzI (562) cpu_start: Application information:I (565) cpu_start: Project name: spi_slave_receiverI (570) cpu_start: App version: 1af3222-dirtyI (576) cpu_start: Compile time: Dec 6 2024 12:04:08I...
little quick start guide to get started with arduino synthesizer / music projects:https://youtu.be/ZNxGCB-d68g ⚠️Note:This project might be outdated and is no longer actively maintained. Development has continued in a new repository, which covers theESP32and other boards as well. Please...
Ideas for peripheralsIR camera sensor arrays (MLX90xxx or AMG8833) to log tire, brake, drivetrain temperatures over BLE to Racechrono or CAN based loggers (like my project RejsaRubberTrac https://github.com/MagnusThome/RejsaRubberTrac) Laser based TOF distance sensor to log suspension travel ...
Robots are cool, so check out[Atlin Anderson]’s Spiderbot(video, embedded below) which can be made with 3D printed parts, hobby servos, and ESP32-CAM module for control and a first-person view. Looking for a new project?All of the design details are shared onlineif you’d like to ...
Code Snippet 1 cargo generate esp-rs/esp-idf-template cargoAnd we fill in this data: Project name: mosquitto-bzzz MCU to target: esp32c6 Configure advanced template options: false cargo b produces the build. Target is riscv32imac-esp-espidf (RISC-V architecture with support for atomics),...