voidplayNextMP3(){if(currentFile) { currentFile.close(); } File entry;while((entry = root.openNextFile())) {if(!entry.isDirectory() && entry.name()) { currentFile = entry;// Display the file name on the LCDlcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Now Playing:"); lcd....
然后打开例程PlayWav // Playing a digital WAV recording repeatadly using the XTronical DAC Audio library // prints out to the serial monitor numbers counting up showing that the sound plays // independently of the main loop // See www.xtronical.com for write ups on sound, the hardware requ...
I have an issue that playing mp3 files from spiff take about 1 second to start and I need around 100-200ms max. Someone suggested that the delay may be caused by stopping the pipeline after each play and then having to recreate it. It seems I would need to create the audio pipeline ...
audio_player_check_threshold函数判断如果read_byte大于阈值,就根据aud_ply->flag的状态,调用g_file_med_hd->media_handle.mp3.resume 或g_file_med_hd->media_handle.mp3.play 再往下调用 mp3_codec_play→MP3Dec_Init →mp3_codec_play_internal→MP3Dec_Decode MP3Dec_Init和MP3Dec_Decode只在middleware/MTK...
But, I changed the code as below for playing mp3 files, and test it again, it causes a lot of noise. Even when the first mp3 file is played before the event is generated, I can hear big noise.I really want to solve this problem, but I don't know which part of the code I ...
The kit features an ESP32-WROVER module, microSD card slot (for storage of audio files), 4-microphone array (supports up to 3 meter sensitivity when playing music), DSP chip for handling the 4-mic array input, phone jack, left & right speaker output ports, audio driver chip, DC/DC ...
voidplay_music_file(const char*music_path){FILE*fp=fopen(music_path,"rb");if(fp){ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Playing '%s'",music_path);audio_player_play(fp);}else{ESP_LOGE(TAG,"unable to open '%s'",music_path);}} 3,关掉自动播放下一首的回调函数 ...
}printf("playing all.wav!\n");#endif/*创建lvgl任务显示*///xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&gui_task, "lvgl task", 1024 * 5, NULL, 5, NULL, 1);}/*开始函数本体*//* 根据数字点播音频 */voidi2s_play(uint8_tvoice_num){switch(voice_num) {case0: { ...
integration of SoapESP32 for playing files from DLNA media server 09-04-2022, TJ: mp3play_html.h modified (ensure refresh of mp3 list) 10-05-2022, TJ: Faster recovery after loss of station (timer10sec() -> timer5sec()) 14-07-2022, TJ: Required modifications for espressif32 frameworks...
Arduino library for parsing and decoding MOD, WAV, MP3, FLAC, MIDI, AAC, and RTTL files and playing them on an I2S DAC or even using a software-simulated delta-sigma DAC with dynamic 32x-128x oversampling. ESP8266 is fully supported and most mature, but ESP32 is also mostly there wit...