进入'components/openthread/lib' 进入'components/openthread/openthread' 进入'components/protobuf-c/protobuf-c' 进入'components/spiffs/spiffs' 进入'components/tinyusb/tinyusb' 进入'components/unity/unity' 后来的编译过程证实,贸然采用zip下载的方式还是我太年轻了,对一个缺少了git信息的esp-idf 来说,那只是...
); abort(); } otOperationalDatasetTlvs dataset; otError error = otDatasetGetActiveTlvs(esp_openthread_get_instance(), &dataset); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_openthread_auto_start((error == OT_ERROR_NONE) ? &dataset : NULL)); otIp6Address multicastAddress; otIp6AddressFromString("ff03::1a",...
openthread:一种基于 IPv6 的物联网网状网络技术 esp_netif:IP 网络层协议 other cmock cxx espcoredump esptool_py esp_adc esp_app_format esp_gdbstub esp_hid esp_lcd esp_phy esp_psram esp_ringbuf http_parser idf_test ieee802154 json linux mbedtls newlib partition_table protobuf-c riscv tcp_...
Currently it looks like an open thread border router needs to use 2 ESP32 modules, an H2 to join the OpenThread network and a WiFi module to receive data over a wired communication to then be transmitted over MQTT or any other protocol. Will the ESP32-C5 be able to support coexistence b...
OpenThread IPv6 to IPv4 ping problemby improv » Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:20 pm Hi there, i have been struggling with this one nut that has been holding me back for a couple of day now and i am out of ideas what to try. TLDR: Pinging and in general communication within Thread network...
I've tried all the possible tutorials I could find, mainly the one for OpenThread using 'pyspinel' (https://openthread.io/guides/pyspinel), which uses Nordic but the Espressif documentation points to this same tutorial.I implemented everything on Ubuntu but I still can't get it to work....
We are currently using the ESP32-WROVER-E in our application, and I was wondering if it's possible to leverage OpenThread and/or 802.15.4 on these modules with ESP-IDF? Thank you!ESP_Sprite Posts: 9759 Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am Re...
We are currently using the ESP32-WROVER-E in our application, and I was wondering if it's possible to leverage OpenThread and/or 802.15.4 on these modules with ESP-IDF? Thank you!ESP_Sprite Posts: 9840 Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am Re...
我们还在 ESP-IDF 和开源的 OpenThread 基础之上推出了乐鑫Thread Border Router SDK,支持构建 Thread 边界路由器的所有网络特性,并集成了丰富的产品级功能,以帮助客户快速实现产品化。 乐鑫Matter SDK 乐鑫Thread Border Router SDK 如果您希望更针对性地了解关于乐鑫产品通过 Thread 1.3.0 认证的情况,或寻求商业项目...