The ESP32 boards have a different power consumption that we want to measure as reference. For the reference power measurements I uploaded an empty program on the microcontroller as well as the ESP32 example script that uses the board as WiFi scanner. The following picture shows the power consum...
ESP32内部空气质量测量套件用户指南说明书 Indoor Air Quality with ESP32 Board # K0068 User guide Rev 1.0 Apr 2017
// To measure current we need to know the frequency of current // By default 50Hz is used, but you can specify desired frequency // as first argument to getCurrentAC() method, if necessary float I = sensor.getCurrentAC(); // To calculate the power we need voltage multiplied by curren...
iot_tp_create(TOUCH_PAD_NUM7, 900, 0, 100); //this function call will lower system's power consumption during deep_sleep mode. //if interested, you can not call this function to found what different about working current. touch_pad_set_meas_time(0xffff, TOUCH_PAD_MEASURE_CYCLE_DEFAULT...
@boarchuzI'll try that out thanks for the suggestion. I need to collect more data but I noticed something like what you're mentioning. I think I noticed the higher power consumption even when not deep sleeping / running the ulp. Harder to see 1.6mA on top the normal active CPU current...
Is caused by poor power connections on the board. After spending weeks thinking it was a software issue, I took a tester and started to measure power consumption and voltages on the ESP32-CAM. The ESP32 was plugged in an cheap breadboard with several wires. The board consumption was around...
However, if you measure the amount of ticks on both ESP, the efficient chip (with respect to power consumption) is one which achieved smaller amount of ticks during that execution of job. It completed the job utilizing smaller amount of instructions, so also less memory utilization, less ...
If necessary, you can consider connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery to two of the pins to measure the battery voltage.caution When you use battery power, there will be no voltage on the 5V pin. At the same time, we designed a red indicator light for battery ...
So it has a good resolution. It can be used to measure analog voltage, current and any analog sensor which provides output in the form of analog voltage. These ADCs can also be used in sleep mode for lower power consumption. Each ADC channel has a resolution of 12 bits which is equal ...
It would be best to calculate the approximate power requirements or measure the actual current consumption of each sensor. Once you have the power consumption values, you can add them up and ensure that the total current drawn by all the sensors does not exceed the maximum current output of ...