1.安装Arduino IDE (如果已安装,直接跳到第二步) 下载Arduino IDE 2.添加附加开发板地址 打开Arduino IDE菜单 > 文件 >首选项,在 附加开发板管理器网址 输入框中,填入以下网址: https://arduino.me/packages/esp32.json 3.安装社区离线包 下载社区打包的esp32安装包,直接运行,程序会自动解压到相应位置。 最新...
原文:https://arduino.me/a/esp32 1.安装Arduino IDE (如果已安装,直接跳到第二步) 下载Arduino IDE 2.添加附加开发板地址 打开Arduino IDE菜单 > 文件 >首选项,在附加开发板管理器网址 输入框中,填入以下网址: https://arduino.me/packages/esp32.json 3.安装社区离线包 下载社区打包的esp32安装包,直接运...
1 安装Arduino IDE 下载地址:arduino.cc/en/software (官网) 软件版本:arduino-ide_2.0.4_Windows_64bit.exe (最新版或1.8.19经典版) 两种下载安装方式,可选 下载、安装:Windows Win 10 and newer, 64 bits 下载、运行:Windows ZIP file (绿色版,解压缩后直接运行) Arduino IDE 安装向导默认选项即可,直到...
Some time ago, I bought this board (esp32 C3 SuperMini) - but I still can’t start it - it is constantly “updating” in the Windows device manager every second (I don’t know how to call it more correctly). I'm using arduino ide for flashing. I found a sequence of steps on ...
Before starting this installation procedure, you need to have Arduino IDE installed on your computer. There are two versions of the Arduino IDE you can install: version 1 and version 2.You can download and install Arduino IDE by clicking on the following link: arduino.cc/en/Main/Software...
Downloading and Installing Arduino IDE To download the Arduino IDE, visit the following URL: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software Go to theArduino website and download the versionfor your operating system. Windows: run the file downloaded and follow the instructions in the installation guide....
Espressif-IDE for Windows Download the https://dl.espressif.com/dl/esp-idf/ and follow the instructions provided here. This guide will walk you through the installation process for Java, Git, CMake, ESP-IDF, IDF Tools, Device Drivers, and Espressif-IDE to help you get started. I succeeded...
源码地址:https://github./HX-IoT/ESP32-Developer-GuideESP32开发指南群:824870185,内有pdf版,排版整洁。 硬件准备ESP32开发板一块,带USB转串口 高质量USB线一根,待载大于1A 搭配些可有可无的模块,OLED模块、温湿度模块等 Windows7/8/10、Linux、MAC电脑三种皆可以,本文使用Wind... ...
## IDE 2.0 Seems to not update the value XIAO_ESP32C6.menu.JTAGAdapter.default=Disabled XIAO_ESP32C6.menu.JTAGAdapter.default.build.copy_jtag_files=0 XIAO_ESP32C6.menu.JTAGAdapter.builtin=Integrated USB JTAG XIAO_ESP32C6.menu.JTAGAdapter.builtin.build.openocdscript=esp32c6-builtin.cfg...
Windows How did you build your project? VS Code IDE If you are using Windows, please specify command line type. None Development Kit. ESP32 WROOM boards Power Supply used. USB What is the expected behavior? Device responds to BLE SCAN_REQ requests, when using the Espressif gatts_table_creat...