3. **硬件问题**:设备硬件可能存在问题,如电源不稳定、焊接不良等。这可能导致设备在启动过程中出现...
/*Set an address for the memory pool instead of allocating it as a normal array. Can be in external SRAM too.*/ #define LV_MEM_ADR 0 /*0: unused*/ /*Instead of an address give a memory allocator that will be called to get a memory pool for LVGL. E.g. my_malloc*/ #if LV_...
但对于不以任何方式直接或间接调用 ROM 中代码的任务,选项 Allow external memory as an argument to xTaskCreateStatic 将解除 xTaskCreateStatic 中的检查,从而允许任务堆栈存储在外部 RAM 中。但是,不建议使用此方法。 实际使用过程中我也发现使用该函数创建任务会出现assert error的错误,不知道具体的原...
I (219) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation: I (227) heap_init: At 3FC8C9E0 len 00033620 (205 KiB): DRAM I (233) heap_init: At 3FCC0000 len 0001F060 (124 KiB): STACK/DRAM I (240) heap_init: At 50000020 len 00001FE0 (7 KiB): RTCRAM I (246) sp...
并且通过idf.py menuconfig 打开了CONFIG_ESP32_SPIRAM_SUPPORT选项。此时编译烧录正常,但运行时,通过idf.py monitor,观察到以下错误,并不断重启。 Code: Select all E (264) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff E (268) cpu_start: Failed to init external RAM! Re-enable cpu cache. 全部log见...
E (651) cpu_start: Failed to init external RAM! abort() was called at PC 0x40081441 on core 0 0x40081441: call_start_cpu0 at /Users/jason/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/cpu_start.c:158 (discriminator 1) Backtrace: 0x40096eb8:0x3ffe3ca0 0x400970ab:0x3ffe3cc0 0x40081441:0x3ffe3ce0...
I (337) cpu_start: Failed to init external RAM; continuing without it. PSRAM的配置如下所示,这个配置是什么地方有异常? 该如何正确配置才能启用PSRAM? Code: [Select all] [Expand/Collapse] CONFIG_ESP32S3_SPIRAM_SUPPORT=y # # SPI RAM config # CONFIG_SPIRAM_MODE_QUAD=y # CONFIG_SPIRAM_MODE...
I (337) cpu_start: Failed to init external RAM; continuing without it. PSRAM的配置如下所示,这个配置是什么地方有异常? 该如何正确配置才能启用PSRAM? Code: [Select all] [Expand/Collapse] CONFIG_ESP32S3_SPIRAM_SUPPORT=y # # SPI RAM config # CONFIG_SPIRAM_MODE_QUAD=y # CONFIG_SPIRAM_MODE...
I (2044) spiram: Adding pool of 8192K of external SPI memory to heap allocator I (2052) spi...
ESP32内部ROM的引导程序启动,把spi flash是0x1000的bootloader程序加载到RAM中; bootloader启动,读取分区表和主应用程序映像 主程序运行,启动第二个CPU和RTOS程序。 #include<stdio.h>#include"esp_flash.h"#include"esp_log.h"#define TAG "Firefly"voidapp_main(void){esp_flash_init(esp_flash_default_chip)...