What caught our eye about [Josh Rogan]’s PD Stepper is his effort to make this a product rather than just a project. The driver is based on a TMC2209 for silent operation and a lot of torque thanks to the power delivery capabilities ofUSB-C PD. The PCB is very nicely designed and...
I have a LoRa GPS tracking system that will send coordinates to a base station and when I press a button on the base station, I’d like to send that coordinate to the phone, either changing the current BLE characteristic (text, like: “46.0594760,-073.6241978”), or creating a new one...
The ESP32-based ESP-EYE board is dedicated to AI (artificial intelligence) through voice wake-up & face recognition. This board is set with an onboard microphone, 2 MP OV2640 camera, boot, function buttons, two LEDs & reset. This board has some features like; Flash -4MB, PSRAM – 8MB...
i feel the only difference is the PSRAM availablity with ESP32-EYE if so let me know what are the modificatios i need to do ? i would like to do small stuff like object tracking with ESP32-CAM, can any one suggest me how to proceed ?ESP...
The onboard lithium battery management system and integrated metal spring antenna further enhance the device's reliability and ease of use. Whether you're tracking valuable assets or keeping an eye on your loved ones, the Heltec Lora Wireless Tracker is the perfect tool for the job. Tips: The...
为了解决云端机器学习在成本,延迟,可靠性,隐私等方面的问题,运用微型机器学习(Tiny Machine Learning,TinyML)技术,利用TensorFlow机器学习平台,实现了语音数据集的导入,预处理并通过短时傅里叶变换生成频谱图和分类;在PC端构建深度学习网络,对频谱图进行机器学习训练,对模型进行验证和评估;将评估性能良好的模型进行转化,...
#if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 config.fb_count = 2; #endif } #if defined(CAMERA_MODEL_ESP_EYE) pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP); #endif Serial.printf(“Camera init failed with error 0x%x”, err); return; }...
(1) Door-eye hole camera in which the camera looks outside through a small hole while the viewer inside gets a wider view (2) Car rear view mirror, which runs on 3.3 volts, thus consuming very less power. (3) Intruder surveillance camera for a passage or locker room, birdwatching etc...
On LILYGO’sGitHub repository, you can find many examples for the device including Glass6DoF for motion tracking, GlassBatteryVoltage battery level monitor, and many more examples like a real-time clock, touch buttons, and voice activity detection to help users quickly...
ESP32-CAM Web Server with OpenCV.js: Color Detection and Tracking Build ESP32-CAM Projects (eBook) Read all our ESP32-CAM Projects, Tutorials and Guides Thanks for reading. pero si cargo este proyecto Transmisión de video ESP32-CAM y reconocimiento facial con Arduino IDE el código sube bi...