2025寒假练 - 用CrowPanel ESP32 Display 4.3英寸HMI开发板实现MQTT连接HomeAssistant, 视频播放量 0、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 喝橙汁的工具人, 作者简介 这些是我学习后的自己的想法,不一定是对的哈,相关视频:
一共三个硬件,esp32c3(这里选择的是合宙 12.9 版本),温湿度传感器 AHT21(其他的也可以,AHT10,AHT20,AHT25,DHT10,DHT20 都是可以的),墨水屏可以选择微雪的几款Waveshare E-Paper Display 接线请看 GitHub 中的配置文件。 ESPHome 相关 Docker 的 ESPHome 容器起来以后,就可以通过http://xxx::6052 来访问 ES...
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so. A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent ...
CES2025 Display StandWi-Fi 快连: ESP-HaloPanel 通过 Wi-Fi 连接路由器,使用 MQTT 上层协议连接 Home Assistant 云以实现对智能家居设备的远程控制。MQTT 连云的应用例程可以参考:esp-idf/examples/protocols/mqtt, 对应软件编程指南参见:ESP-MQTT 声音提示:ESP-HaloPanel 使用 ESP32-C2 的 GPIO10 作为 LEDC...
PCF8574 lcd(0x27); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display ...
device. Not really needed for HA (as HA already knows it), but for showing on the display ...
Turning the speed of human movement into a visual dashboard display.This is what I came up with. It looks like it has the makings of a smart home control centre.So far, we have successfully concluded our tutorial content. Connect Grove to Home Assistant using XIAO ESP32C3...
esp32 ble heart-rate bluetooth-low-energy heart-rate-sensor heart-rate-monitor m5stack esp32-arduino lilygo esphome-config esphome ttgo-t-display m5stack-core Updated Oct 4, 2023 Makefile lemariva / micropython-i2s-driver Star 15 Code Issues Pull requests This repository adds I2S support ...
滚动实现自定义字符串 #include <SevenSegmentTM1637.h> SevenSegmentTM1637 display(5,6); void setup(){ display.begin(); display.print(“ABCD”); }void loop(){ } 自定义时间 #include <SevenSegmentTM1637.h> 米思齐ESP32蓝牙 #include