Espressif: ESP32-ZERO V2 (surface-mount PCB module), ESP32-PICO Core Board V2, ESP32-PICO-KIT (ESP32-PICO Core Board) V3 & V4 Microwavemont: ESP32-PICO Motherboard, ESP32-PICO-ADB, ESP32-PICO Double Decker, ESP32-PICO-CAM, ESP32-PICO-tinyCAM Compact Surface-Mount PCB Modules The...
Heltec WiFi Kit 32 esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_kit_32 Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_lora_32 Heltec WiFi LoRa 32(V2) esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2 Heltec Wireless Stick esp32:esp32:heltec_wireless_stick Heltec Wireless Stick Lite esp32:esp32:heltec_wireless_stick_lite H...
Strider 是 Wade Vagle 开发的机械步行机器人。它是基于 ESP32 摄像头和 3D 打印机身的且移动速度灵活...
linkkit_main()函数包含原C-SDK的mqtt demo。 编译、烧写。 在项目目录下运行 menuconfig,进入Example Configuration菜单。 修改WiFi SSID、WiFi Password和Maximum retry(最大重连次数)3个参数,保存并退出配置。 运行 build进行编译。 编译成功后,运行 -p /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART flash monito...
I am using ESP32 C V2 kit under Arduino IDE. As a learning example I have taken the original raw code from the Rui Santos' Simple Temperature measurement sketch". Have installed the recommended "Onewire" lib (by Paul Stoffregen) and "Dallas Temperature" lib (by Miles Burton). ...
2. 为项目命名,选择ESP32 Dev Board ,连接类型为Wi-Fi 。然后点击创建。 3. Blynk 将向注册的电子邮件 ID 发送一个身份验证令牌。点击确定。 在Blynk App 中添加按钮小部件 然后添加 8 个按钮小部件来控制 8 个继电器。在这里,我为8 个按钮使用了虚拟引脚V1、V2、V3、V4、V5、V6、V7、V8 。模式将是切...
docs: migrate user guides of ESP32-DevKitC-V2 and V4 2124eea· Jul 25, 2024 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 11 lines (7 loc) · 393 Bytes Raw ESP32-DevKitC :link_to_translation:`en: [English]` ESP32-DevKitC 是 乐鑫 一款基于 ESP32 的小型开发板,...
指令为 sudo apt-get install gcc git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial (2) 然后下载脚本和执行脚本: 指令为 cd $HOME #进入HOME目录 wget #下载脚本文件 ...
Heltec WiFi Kit 32 esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_kit_32 Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_lora_32 Heltec WiFi LoRa 32(V2) esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2 Heltec Wireless Stick esp32:esp32:heltec_wireless_stick Heltec Wireless Stick Lite esp32:esp32:heltec_wireless_stick_lite ...
Download the repository WiFi_Kit_series as zip and extract it to /Documents/Arduino/hardware/heltec. Create the folders manually if they have not been created. Navigate to /Documents/Arduino/hardware/heltec/esp32/tools, double-click on get.exe and wait for the script to finish. Make sure the...