一、给wemos D1 mini刷入espeasy固件 1、首先去淘宝购买wemos D1 mini开发板,售价十元左右。为什么要买wemos D1 mini呢?第一它采用的芯片是ESP8266,可刷的固件多;第二是它体积小,可以方便放进小白万能遥控器里(nodemcu太大了,不好放进万能遥控器里);第三是它可以5V供电(ESP8266-01虽然体积小,但它是3.3V...
ESP8266+RF433模块结合制作网络遥控器示例 ✨所需库:rcswitch库可在ArduinoIDE里面下载到.?LinkedList库:https://github.com/ivanseidel/LinkedList?利用Blink点灯物联网平台,通过手机APP控制ESP8266发送指令给RF433模块。?程序代码/* NodeMcu或esp-01/01s控制1路继电器, ...
board: nodemcuv2 \\选择自己的芯片型号 wifi:ssid: "GreatWill" \\接入WIFI的名称 password...
This is a WEMOS D1 Mini clone that is connected to a motion sensor, a temperature/humidity/pressure sensor, and a door sensor and is used to control the lights, fan, and heater (heat lamps in the fan) in my basement bathroom. Coffee Maker This is a NodeMCU that I installed in my ...
# 添加 sensor 组件[sensoresp-dht11t]type:mqttname:espDHT# qos:# MQTT QOS 等级,默认和 [mqtt] 设置相同# state_topic: nodemcu/sensor/enclosure_temperature/statestate_topic:nodemcu/dht11# The mqtt topic to subscribe to for sensor state updates. This parameter# must be provided.state_response_...
esphome:name:6chan_energy_meterplatformio_options:build_flags: --DCONFIG_ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE=32768esp32:board:nodemcu-32svariant:esp32framework:type:arduinoversion:2.0.2source:https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32.git#2.0.2platform_version:https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32...
The board design is closer to the one for Wemos/LOLIN D1 Mini, as it does not come with the double rows of I/O headers found in LOLIN S2 Mini made possible with the additional GPIOs found inESP32-S2 SoC. Having said that, the latest version of LOLIN D1 Mini board (V4.0.0), ...
The solar panels we’re using have an output voltage up to between 5V to 6V. If you want your battery to charge faster, you can use several solar panels in parallel. In this example we’re usingtwo mini solar panelsas shown in the following figure. ...
ESP32MicroPython WEB蓝牙红外遥控小车⑬1、蓝牙遥控小车2 、红外遥控小车3 、WEB网页摄像头遥控小车 1、蓝牙遥控小车实验目的 使用“YQD蓝牙小车”APP控制小车实验内容 使用小车显示屏显示蓝牙连接情况,开启蓝牙名称为“yqd-car”,并设置连接到小车蓝牙后接收数据回调函数,在回调函数里面我们APP软件发送控制小车的前进、...