driver installed. And the port is not still being recognized. I have no idea why and I'm asking for help. I'll give some general details here: - ESP32 with CP2102 - having USB cable with data link - Windows 10 - I have added the driver manually from theAction > Add legacy hardwar...
一、介绍本项目采用ESP32开发板,每X秒采集一次DTH11温湿度传感器数据,通过ESP32自带WIFI,经MQTT协议传送给ActiveMQ中间件,便于后续开发和使用。二、材料介绍ESP32 CP2102 带WIFI 22元DTH11 4元透明防水塑料壳 8元MicroUSB电源线 5元 三、ActiveMQ服务器配置我这里使用docker一键部署ActiveMQ,并将MQTT端口映射到...
ESP32 CP2102 带WIFI 22元DTH11 4元透明防水塑料壳 8元MicroUSB电源线 5元 三、ActiveMQ服务器配置我这里使用docker一键部署ActiveMQ,并将MQTT端口映射到1883端口 四、硬件安装将DTH11的正负连接ESP32的3.3V和GND针脚,数据连接至D13针脚 五、代码开发1、ESP32刷写为MPython开发环境2、新建,此脚本ESP32...
and check for drivers.I don't have an issue with the CH340. Some of my boards may be the CP2102. There is no scripture on the chip. I don't seem to have a problem with them either. But I am getting the very depressing Windows message that "the last time...
Specifications: Main Control Chip: ESP32-DOWDQ6-V3 dual-core 32bit MCU integrated WiFi, Bluetooth-compatible USB Driver Chip: CH340C, with good system compatibility, higher-download speed, and more stability Supported Power Modes: USB power supply, external 3.3V power supply, and VIN-power supp...
20220728: The serial port chip is changed from CP2102 to CH343, please pay attention to the driver selection. IntroductionThis is an e-Paper display driver board with wireless network function, which can obtain picture information from a PC or smartphone through WiFi or Bluetooth, and display ...
这个开发板加了电源转换芯片,使得支持 3.3 - 5V 电压,右边小的方块型的是 cp2102 USB转串口芯片,使得我们可以使用 USB 线连接电脑。这个板子把引脚都引出来了,方便使用杜邦线连接各种外围器件。下面我们说的 ESP32 都表示这整块开发板,而不是 ESP32 模组本身。
stability ensure that your projects run smoothly, whether you're working on a small-scale project or a more complex one. With the ESP32 Wroom 32U vs ESP32 Wroom 32D, CP2102 to UART driver, and ESP32 Wroom versions all covered, this board is a comprehensive solution for your IoT needs...
步骤一:下载银尔达-驱动-串口驱动-CP2102驱动.zip (注:加入QQ群644137544,在群文件中找到如图所示界面下载即可,下载完成后记得解压文件) 步骤二:安装驱动 1.1–第1步中遇到的问题 问题一:不知道安装哪一个驱动。 问题原因:不清楚驱动名字。 解决办法:安装驱动。(intelligent Pinyin)。
本项目采用ESP32开发板,每X秒采集一次DTH11温湿度传感器数据,通过ESP32自带WIFI,经MQTT协议传送给ActiveMQ中间件,便于后续开发和使用。 二、材料介绍 ESP32 CP2102 带WIFI 22元 DTH11 4元 透明防水塑料壳 8元 MicroUSB电源线5元 lr8rbosb.png lr8rec9n.png lr8req49.png 三、ActiveMQ服务器配置 我这里使用...