复制官方例程 将官方例子项目复制到ESP-IDF开发工具之外,更名为esp32_gatt_client: cp -r ~/esp/esp-idf/examples/protocols/http_server/simple ~/esp/http_server_simple 项目树 cd ~/esp/http_server_simple 刷新esp-idf环境 get_idf 配置项目 idf.py menuconfig 保存,退出。 编译项目 idf.py build 烧写...
IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, &connect_handler, &server)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(WIFI_EVENT, WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED, &disconnect_handler, &server)); #endif // CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_WIFI #ifdef CONFIG_EXAMPLE_CONNECT_ETHERNET ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(...
2、使用TCP调试助手创建TCP Server(电脑必须与开发板在同一路由器下)。 3、重启ESP32,创建TCP Client,开始连接电脑创建的服务器。 4、相互发送数据。 一.Tcp_client例程分析 1.初始化NVS、WiFi连接上WiFi后创建一个tcp_client任务。 WiFi连接函数:example_connect()WiFi信息通过menuconfig 配置。 idf.py menuconfig ...
statichttpd_handle_tstart_webserver(void){httpd_handle_tserver=NULL;//定义HTTP 默认配置,从HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG 定义中可以分析出来 ,//httpd就是创建了一个task 函数,用来专门处理http逻辑.httpd_config_tconfig=HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG();config.lru_purge_enable=true;// Start the httpd serverESP_LOGI(TA...
Hello!, me again, im trying to use the WebSocketClient example and the WebServerExample in NodeJS, when i press a Button a message is send to the Server, and the servers prints in console the message,when i release the Button another mes...
I have stumbled upon a problem in the last step of my esp32 project with this error. This error occurs when I am calling esp_http_client_perform(client) API. ESP-IDF monitor provides the following message: E (36765) esp-tls: couldn't get hostname for :example.com: getaddrinfo() ret...
为实现配置文件(Profile)的设备定义了两种角色:Client(客户端)、Server(服务器)。esp32的ble一般就处于Server模式。 一旦两个设备建立了连接,GATT就开始发挥效用,同时意味着GAP协议管理的广播过程结束了。 1.2.1 Profile(规范) profile 可以理解为一种规范,建立的蓝牙应用任务,蓝牙任务实际上分为两类:标准蓝牙任务规...
Hello. I am building a webserver you can upload your .bin file and then update device firmware using that updated .bin file. I am using file_serving example from the esp-idf examples: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/examples/protocols/http_server/file_serving I have come...
An empty payload is sent as a response to the client. void handlePost() { if (server.hasArg("plain") == false) { } String body = server.arg("plain"); deserializeJson(jsonDocument, body); int red_value = jsonDocument["red"]; ...
Socket Server To provide a response to web client requests, create a socket server on ESP32 or ESP8266 using Micrpython socket API. We will use a socket.socket() function to initialize our socket server. This function takes in two arguments. The first is the socket_family and the second ...