ESP32有两个I2C通道,任何管脚都可以设置为SDA或SCL。将ESP32与Arduino IDE一起使用时,默认I2C引脚为: GPIO 21(SDA)、GPIO 22(SCL) 如果要使用其他管脚,在使库函数时,只需调用:Wire.begin(SDA, SCL); SPI引脚 默认情况下,SPI的pin映射为: 中断
I2C 配置函数:i2c_param_config(); I2C 功能安装使能函数:i2c_driver_install(); 创建I2C 连接函数:i2c_cmd_link_create(); 写启动信号到缓存函数:i2c_master_start(); 写一个字节的命令放到到缓存函数:i2c_master_write_byte(); 写停止信号到缓存函数:i2c_master_stop(); I2C 发送函数:i2c_master_cmd_be...
1、中断触发方式 ESP32 Arduino 有以下四种触发方式: LOW 低电平触发 CHANGE 电平变化 RISING 上升沿触发 FALLING 下降沿触发 HIGH 高电平触发 2、配置中断 在定义中断函数后,需要在 setup 函数配置中断函数 // interrupt=中断通道编号,function=中断函数,mode=中断触发模式 attachInterrupt(interrupt, function, mode)...
i2c_param_configwill configure the parameters we just set.I2C_NUM_0is the I2C instance we are using. If your board have more than 1 I2C, then you should define the instance as per the pins you are using. After configuring the parameters,i2c_driver_installwill install the driver. The para...
I2C Pins on ESP32-PICO-KIT V4.1by Serena Yeoh » Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:40 am Hi, I apologized if this is a dumb question, I am new to ESP32 and not from EE background. I would like to know where are the I2C pins on the ESP32-PICO-KIT. I cannot find much information on ...
LOW -- 低电平触发 CHANGE -- 电平变化 RISING -- 上升沿触发 FALLING -- 下降沿触发 HIGH -- 高电平触发 配置中断 在定义中断函数后,需要在 setup 函数配置中断函数. // interrupt=中断通道编号,function=中断函数,mode=中断触发模式 attachInterrupt(interrupt, function, mode); // pin=中断引脚,function=中...
Re: ESP32-S2-DevKitM-1(U) USB , Default I2C Pins by espiando » Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:44 am thanks! Is this pinout the same for all S2 Modules ? Including S2 Mini 1 (U)? I have this doubt, since number of PINs are not the same.che...
Re: ESP32-S2-DevKitM-1(U) USB , Default I2C Pins by espiando » Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:44 am thanks! Is this pinout the same for all S2 Modules ? Including S2 Mini 1 (U)? I have this doubt, since number of PINs are not the same.che...
I was hoping to use I2C but also use another toggle switch to put the ESP32 into sleep mode by grounding either pin 21 or 22 and doing a digital read on these pins. Is this possbile? also I'd like to wake up the ESP32 once the toggle has released ground. I'd use another pin ...
3.3 MPU6050设置MPU6050使用IIC接口,由C:\Users\用户\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6\variants\LOLIn32-lite\pins_arduino.h的20和21行可知,模块默认的IIC接口为19和23,但是这两个接口已经被SPI使用,为了不造成干扰,需要修改。