(s_retry_num < WIFI_ESP_MAXIMUM_RETRY) { esp_wifi_connect(); s_retry_num++; #ifdef VERBOSE printf("Retry to connect to the AP"); #endif } else { xEventGroupSetBits(s_wifi_event_group, WIFI_FAIL_BIT); } #ifdef VERBOSE printf(...
Hello, I have several XIAO Esp32-s3 and most of them cannot connect to any Wifi network or open AP for WifiManager... I've already tried some solutions, but without success. Update Arduino board and IDE package -Board and IDE package downgrade Antenna replacement Several different Wifi netwo...
Re: ESP32 Not connecting to WiFi consistently PostbyMarcus90»Sat May 22, 2021 8:36 am Thank you very much for your comment! However, the problem was definitely related to the router. It seems that the esp32 cannot connect to 5GHz WiFi networks. My router has both networks (2.4GHz an...
WifiDriver::wifiCallbackHandler, NET_EVENT_WIFI_CONNECT_RESULT|NET_EVENT_WIFI_DISCONNECT_RESULT); net_mgmt_init_event_callback(&_ipv4Callback, WifiDriver::ipv4CallbackHandler, NET_EVENT_IPV4_ADDR_ADD); net_mgmt_add_event_callback(&_wifiCallback); ...
If I call esp_deep_sleep_start() to put the ESP32-C6 to sleep the wifi won't reconnect after the processor wakes up again.connect wifi connect to cloud wait disconnect cloud stop wifi esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(...) esp_deep_sleep_start()...
I'm also seeing this, with an Adafruit Qt Py (which is a -C3). It doesn't look like stopping the scan at boot is working for me, the wifi connection is flaky still. It might connect, but many minutes after powerup and then disconnect after a random amount of time. ...
ESP32开发之路(5)—连接到WiFi 本次开发是在Ubuntu下的,使用的模块是GOOUUU-ESP32,使用VSCode编辑项目。代码使用来自esp-idf的例程。 一、使用ssid和password连接到wifi 在esp-idf的例程里面,设置wifi连接之前初始化了NVS,我猜想可能WiFi连接需要用到NVS,所以我们也将NVS初始化,然后开始WiFi连接初始化;简单来说,NVS...
printf("\nwifi_softap_start\n"); break; //有STA连接上ESP32的AP case SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STACONNECTED: printf("\nwifi_softap_connectted\n"); break; //有STA断开ESP32的AP case SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED: printf("\nwifi_softap_disconnectted\n"); ...
我写了一段代码,但是提示连接WiFi的部分***.connect('CMCC-tJX2', '8809') # connect to an AP出错,经过ChatGPT重写后问题依旧存在,已经排除是WiFi信息填错的问题,并且输入***.isconnected()还能返回True,请问是哪里出了问题? 我自己写的代码: import network import time wlan = ***.wlan(***.sta_IF...
it didn't connect :-( There's something really fishy going on with these -V3 chips. I've got anAZ-Delivery ESP32 Dev KitC V4 ESP32-WROOM-32, where I made several tests and was able to connect to my wifi with the restrictions mentioned above. ...