Adafruit BME280 Arduino library BME280 driver Reading values from a BME280 via ESP-IDF's I²C master driver ESP32 MicroPython BME280 MQTT sample Cameras Igrr's ESP32-Cam-Demo (using OV7725) Should work with other OV7xxx series cameras. Also, PCBReflux used this codebase with an...
Libraries in Arduino Library Manager Blynk (Volodymyr Shymanskyy) v0.6.1 esp32_ftpclient (Leonardo Bispo) v0.1.4 SD (Arduino) v1.2.4 Time (Paul Stoffregen) v1.6.1 Functions Live Stream Functions (Anatoli Arkhipenko, ...
Step 3: Deciphering Joystick and Button Events. One callback event on the ESP32 receives three different data packets from the server for the three Characteristics that were setup to provide Notifications. One packet is four bytes long. Three of the bytes contain the X axis position, Y axis ...
分享回复赞 esp32吧 Y鈥哸ng鈥唂ang 发现很多人问ESP32-CAM出不来视频,我用启明云端的开发板示例说明一下 1、如下图,只需在丝印 VCC GND 处供 3.3V 电源即可启动开发板 2、上电后开发板会释放热点。其中SSID:wireless-tag Pwd:wireless-tag 3、电脑或手机连接此热点后,通过浏览器(建议使用谷歌、火狐游览器...
分享51 esp32吧 图坦卡窗 烧写时遇到的问题espcamesp32-csm 贪便宜选了没有安信可的板 话说mac放出来应该不要紧吧 程序就是espcam里的示例,因为看到有教程说降速率选了最小的 接3v电源 IO0接地 T接R R接T,板子的另一边都是悬空的 我已经开始怀疑是硬件问题了 另外,不是安信可的在这里应该怎么选QAQ +1 分...
PCB Design Resources KiCad ESP32 KiCad Footprints (Adam Vadala-Roth) KiCad Libraries (Baoshi Zhu) KiCad ESP32 Schematic Symbol (Nava Whiteford) WEMOS LoLin32 KiCad Library/Footprint (Eric Renfro) ESP32 KiCad (Morgan Allen) EAGLE EAGLE Library (Macro Yau) Altium Designer Library for ESP-...
PCB Design Resources KiCad ESP32 KiCad Footprints (Adam Vadala-Roth) KiCad Libraries (Baoshi Zhu) KiCad ESP32 Schematic Symbol (Nava Whiteford) WEMOS LoLin32 KiCad Library/Footprint (Eric Renfro) ESP32 KiCad (Morgan Allen) EAGLE EAGLE Library (Macro Yau) Altium Designer Library for ESP-...
Espressif: ESP32-ZERO V2 (surface-mount PCB module), ESP32-PICO Core Board V2, ESP32-PICO-KIT (ESP32-PICO Core Board) V3 & V4 Microwavemont: ESP32-PICO Motherboard, ESP32-PICO-ADB, ESP32-PICO Double Decker, ESP32-PICO-CAM, ESP32-PICO-tinyCAM Compact Surface-Mount PCB Modules The...
PCB Design Resources KiCad ESP32 KiCad Footprints (Adam Vadala-Roth) KiCad Libraries (Baoshi Zhu) KiCad ESP32 Schematic Symbol (Nava Whiteford) WEMOS LoLin32 KiCad Library/Footprint (Eric Renfro) ESP32 KiCad (Morgan Allen) EAGLE EAGLE Library (Macro Yau) Altium Designer Library for ESP-...
Adafruit BME280 Arduino library BME280 driver Reading values from a BME280 via ESP-IDF's I²C master driver ESP32 MicroPython BME280 MQTT sample Cameras Igrr's ESP32-Cam-Demo (using OV7725) Should work with other OV7xxx series cameras. Also, PCBReflux used this codebase with an...