i am using a TT GO T call SIM800 which uses esp32. i want to connect to firebase real time DB via gprs and fetch data using HTTPS rest api . can anyone show me how to do it ? https://firebase.google.com/docs/refere ... t/database...
OutData = callGet("http://api.m.taobao.com/rest/api3.do?api=mtop.common.getTimestamp"); Serial.println(OutData ); 1. 2. 3. 返回的结果 { “api”: “mtop.common.getTimestamp”, “v”: “*”, “ret”: [ “SUCCESS::接口调用成功” ], “data”: { “t”: “1640854509167” ...
Moreover, the “led” resource will be used for the HTTP POST method. This Rest JSON API will be used to control the RGB LED. To start the API server, we will call the begin() on our server object. The JSON payload consists of the information that the client requested via the ESP3...
They post temperature data back to our server using a REST API call, every 5 minutes. They are setup on-site to use WiFi. Also, each device is programmed to restart each night, and whenever they restart they check for firmware updates, and also they post back the reason for restart. ...
其实就是一个数字电台。...(使用稳定的 3.3-5V 电源为 ESP32 模块供电)默认值:UART2(GPIO 16、17 上的 RX2、TX2) 就像这样 还有一个好看的WEB页面 Wifi SSID: 最多 31...APP使用,可以有远程遥测的能力奥 Web 界面与 ESP32 上的 REST:API 进行通信。...还可以使用该 API 设置无法通过 Web 界面选择...
连接方式应该选择API连接还是代理连接? 连接方式应该选择API连接还是代理连接? API连接仅支持在数据开发组件使用。 因此如无特殊需求,为保证数据架构、数据质量、数据目录、数据服务等组件能够使用连接,推荐配置为“通过代理连接”。 父主题: 管理中心 来自:帮助中心 ...
--rest_api_port=8501 \ --model_name=MLP \ --model_base_path="SavedModel格式模型的文件夹绝对地址(不含版本号)" 1. 2. 3. 4. 运行成功后会得到下面的结果,可以看到8501端口已经开启 下面我们执行上面的client.py 便能得到结果,可以发现预测结果与真实标签值非常接近。
2 log::info!("MQTT client callback") 3 }) In order to publish, we need to define the topic: Code Snippet 1 const TOPIC: &str = "home/noise sensor/01"; And a variable that will be used to contain the message that we will publish: Code Snippet 1 let mut mqtt_msg: String; Insi...
(251446) LOGGER: Received task: 9 I (251966) LOGGER: Received task: 9 D (252056) httpd_txrx: httpd_send_all: sent = 5736 D (252436) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x400b1e64 fn=0x4012ac78 D (252446) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem I (252456) ...
Next we will need to bind our previously declared function with a specific route in our API. To do so, we simply call the function method of our aREST object and pass as first argument a string with the route where it will be listening and as second our defined function. We will use...