ESP32-C3黑SuperMini使用教程, 视频播放量 266、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 6、转发人数 1, 视频作者 欣薇电子, 作者简介 ,相关视频:ESP32C3开发板操作视频,ESP32-WROOM-32开发板 Arduino操作视频,Super RELATIONSHIP ENDER - SUPER MARIO PARTY [Part
又一块64位简易WS2812全彩点阵 ESP32C3 SuperMini嘉立创打样3D打印外壳 Arduino+VSCode+PlatformIO 04:38 【ESP32】中国象棋小游戏 基于LVGL8 Arduino+PlatformIO+VSCode开发 已开源 01:49 九块九合宙ESP32C3开发板自制WS2812灯珠驱动器 03:43 天问五幺ESP32C3开发板如何 自带128x64 OLED 到手就基于Arduino...
这款ESP32-C3 Super Mini开发板拥有4MB的闪存和400KB的SRAM,存储空间充足,很适合用于大型项目哦。
迷你身材,强劲性能,ESP32C3 Super Mini #物联网 #电子爱好者 #技术分享 - 轻玩科技社于20240511发布在抖音,已经收获了6.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
ESP32-C3开发板核心版ESP32 SuperMini物联网迷你开发板 WiFi+蓝牙双模芯片 粉色_主板 品牌名称 DIYMORE 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 黑色_主板 粉色_主板 黑色_单个扩展板 其他型号(3个) 店内搜索 ...
The ESP32 C3 SuperMini CAN NOT connect to WIFI normally when using a pin female header. Once a pin female header is used, the ESP32 C3 SuperMini fails to connect to WIFI. Even just connecting a pin header socket to pin 21 causes WIFI connection failure. As long as pin 21 is not ...
esp32c3_supermini: Fix: Switch from SRAM0 to SRAM1 to correct heap calculations #84275 Open killekulla wants to merge 1 commit into zephyrproject-rtos:main from killekulla:esp32c3_supermini-fix-sram-usage Open esp32c3_supermini: Fix: Switch from SRAM0 to SRAM1 to correct heap ca...
when I load and run the code below in a ESP32-c3 super mini or in a ESP32-c3 XIAO then it destroys the device : the device is not recognised by windows any more : "the device last connected caused an error" : the usb is not recognised anymore. It is caused by the line : #def...
The ESP32-C3 supermini looked good because its small size fits on a breadboard. However, like many people, I have found it very tricky to use. I now have a puzzling situation with a very simple sketch - the basic blink in fact. Here's my code, it won't surprise you. Code: [...
Re: ESP32 C3 SUPERMINI NOISY I2S by MaikArg » Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:31 am Thanks for the answer. The problem was the pin definition. Pin 8 is led built in, so that was one problem. There is other pin (didnt care about finding out witch one) so I changed all of them: Code...