RF tool based on CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro 8VMHz/3.3V. Allows using CLI with human readable commands to control CC1101 board over USB interface. Putty or any other serial terminal can be used. It has similar functionality to YardStick One but i
ESP32S3换皮小音箱在线播放每日热歌 显示时间 OTA升级 Arduino+PlatformIO开发 程序开源模块:ESP32-S3-WROOM音频驱动:MAX98357屏幕:240x240 IPS (ST7789驱动), 视频播放量 7537、弹幕量 0、点赞数 151、投硬币枚数 46、收藏人数 282、转发人数 13, 视频作者 机器知芯, 作
readings via Websockets to a Webinteraface with gauge or to another cluster with the build in RFM69. With the help of some great C/C++ libraries forked for the well kown ESP8266 a future version should be capable of connecting a TI CC1101 or NRF24L01 Plug&Play simply with pin connectors...
Buy Improved Flipper Zero WiFi Multiboard NRF24+ESP32 Development Board/CC1101 SubGhz Module/ESP8266/GPIO Module/Air Mouse Module at Aliexpress for . Find more , and products. Enjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
5e442515485001000c1a7a23005025568aed71e43af834900bec738e08c4fa2637b8915fb401fd6296f19c3aeeceebc3164b967cd5445e6aafe90f416314191cb1839210b7cd2efe168911fd465dab56ccda9c82862b90f29353ab57532b49 I don´t understand the reason for this behavior. What I could find out by myself in the last ...
按位取反,得到1101 1111 和A相与,第6位被清零,其它位不变 再看后者,以开启GPIO端口C的时钟为例,根据《中文参考手册》可知,将APB2外设时钟使能寄存器(RCC_APB2ENR) 的“位4”置1即可,编写代码如下: RCC_APB2ENR|=(1<<4); 1. 4 是时候开始编写主程序main.c了!首先,开启GPIO端口C的时钟;接着,配置GPI...
使用的ESP8266是AT指令版本的,通过串口与MCU的UART2相连提示:本次实验默认竖屏,如果想要实现横屏效果请在工程lcd.c文件中把屏 esp32wroom32E图传 stm32 socket 物联网 wifi 转载 mob64ca1405664d 10月前 202阅读 esp32 传照片 物联网 显示 esp32做图传 目录前言一 连线图1. 原理图2. PCB效果3. ...
1. **过热**:长时间运行或高负载可能导致设备过热,从而触发重启。检查设备是否在通风良好的环境中运行...
AP3216C器件地址为“0011110”即0x1E。读操作地址就为0x3D(0x1E << 1 | 0x1),即0011 1101;...
[Expand/Collapse] wifi_config_t wifi_config = { .sta =