BLE HID 应用例程可参考:esp-idf/examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/ble/ble_hid_device_demo 多种键盘热键:软件设计参考了 QMK (qmk/qmk_firmware) 代码逻辑,可以方便修改键盘映射,并支持多种键盘热键,如音量加、音量减等。ESP-KeyBoard 支持如下快捷键:组合键功能 ...
BleKeyboardbleKeyboard("Bluetooth Device Name","Bluetooth Device Manufacturer",100); 使用前需要写一下这个,你模拟的设备的名字以及设备制造商的名字,以及一个电量,当然是假的。 代码语言:javascript 复制 bleKeyboard.setDelay(10) 这个是设置延时时间,就是有的设备会丢掉输入快的字符。默认是8 如果真的要用,...
32KHz 晶振:基于 ESP32-S3 主控芯片增加了外部 32.768KHz 晶振,以支持 ESP-KeyBoard 在使用 BLE (低功耗蓝牙)工作模式下进入浅睡眠(Light Sleep)模式来降低待机功耗,此时待机电流约 2mA。 TYPE-C(USB Type-C):采用 USBC200 芯片与 ESP32-S3 芯片的 USB (GPIO19 和 GPIO20)接口直连,为 ESP-KeyBoard 产品...
BleKeyboardbleKeyboard("Bluetooth Device Name","Bluetooth Device Manufacturer",100); 使用前需要写一下这个,你模拟的设备的名字以及设备制造商的名字,以及一个电量,当然是假的。 bleKeyboard.setDelay(10) 这个是设置延时时间,就是有的设备会丢掉输入快的字符。默认是8 如果真的要用,也可以设置一下这个,节省空...
The third parameter is the initial battery level of your device. To adjust the battery level later on you can simply call e.g.bleKeyboard.setBatteryLevel(50)(set battery level to 50%). By default the battery level will be set to 100%, the device name will beESP32 Bluetooth Keyboardand...
esp32 软键盘 esp32 ble keyboard ESP32-BLE-Keyboard:打造你的无线蓝牙键盘项目地址:项目简介ESP32-BLE-Keyboard 是一个开源项目,它允许你利用Espressif Systems的ESP32微控制器,将其转化为一个功能完备的蓝牙低功耗(BLE)键盘。这意味着你可以将这个小巧的硬件设备...
Hi everybody, i am Andrea and i am a mechanical engineer. For my job i have developed a simple bluetooth keyboard using a esp32 wroom module. The sketch started from a modified example of the library blekeyboard.h I h…
There is also Bluetooth specific information that you can set (optional): Instead ofBleKeyboard bleKeyboard;you can doBleKeyboard bleKeyboard("Bluetooth Device Name", "Bluetooth Device Manufacturer", 100);. The third parameter is the initial battery level of your device. To adjust the battery lev...
为了安全连接,必不可少的修改蓝牙的配对方式,提高产品的安全性。安全配置使充当从设备的GATT服务器能够与主设备绑定,并在它们之间建立加密链接。此功能由[蓝牙规范4.2版]定义(并在ESP-IDF BLE堆栈上实现,特别是在安全管理器协议(SMP)API上实现。
import bluetooth #导入BLE功能模块 ble = bluetooth.BLE() #创建BLE设备 #打开BLE #设置BLE广播数据并开始广播 ble.gap_advertise(100, adv_data = b'\x02\x01\x06\x03\x09\x41\x42') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 上面gap_advertise函数就是在不断的广播蓝牙的信息,打开手机的蓝牙调试...