+BLEGATTSCHAR:"char",1,3,0xC302,0x08 +BLEGATTSCHAR:"desc",1,3,1,0x2901 +BLEGATTSCHAR:"char",1,4,0xC303,0x04 +BLEGATTSCHAR:"desc",1,4,1,0x2901 +BLEGATTSCHAR:"char",1,5,0xC304,0x08 +BLEGATTSCHAR:"char",1,6,0xC305,0x10 +BLEGATTSCHAR:"desc",1,6,1,0x2902 +BLEGATTS...
找到官方例程 examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/ble/gatt_serve (gatt(Generic Attribute Profile,通用属性配置文件) 就不用理这词;GATT Server简单来说是 被动的一方,等待GATT Client发起连接请求) 第二难:build.ninja… 如果同一份代码之前烧过其他的芯片 —— 需要clear一下(遇事不决… 应该是flash或配置文件什么的问...
Hello. I have programmed the ESP32-S3 development board using the ble50_security_server example. I can see that the device programmed successfully and started: I (24) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4.1-dirty 2nd stage bootloader I (25) boot: compile time 13:38:15 I (25) boot: chip revision: 0...
为实现配置文件(Profile)的设备定义了两种角色:Client(客户端)、Server(服务器)。esp32的ble一般就处于Server模式。 一旦两个设备建立了连接,GATT就开始发挥效用,同时意味着GAP协议管理的广播过程结束了。 1.2.1 Profile(规范) profile 可以理解为一种规范,建立的蓝牙应用任务,蓝牙任务实际上分为两类:标准蓝牙任务规...
Hi, I am using ESP-IDF v4.3-beta3-dirty on ESP32C3. we want to use the BLE 5.0 feature on esp32c3 to connect mobile, I have used the following [url]https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tr ... ity_server. Using the above example esp32c3 is not coming in the list of BLE. ...
Hi, I am using ESP-IDF v4.3-beta3-dirty on ESP32C3. we want to use the BLE 5.0 feature on esp32c3 to connect mobile, I have used the following [url]https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tr ... ity_server. Using the above example esp32c3 is not coming in the list of BLE. ...
ret = esp_ble_gatts_register_callback(gatts_event_handler); if (ret){ ESP_LOGE(GATTS_TAG, "gatts register error, error code = %x", ret); return; } 7、注册 GAP 回调函数,在前面的文章我们说过:蓝牙是通过GAP建立通信的,所以在这个回调函数中定义了在广播期间蓝牙设备的一些操作: ret = esp_bl...
ret=esp_bt_controller_enable(ESP_BT_MODE_BLE); 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ret=esp_bluedroid_init();ret=esp_bluedroid_enable(); 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 //register the callback function to the gap moduleret=esp_ble_gap_re...
ESP32 BT&BLE 双模蓝牙共存说明书