BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();// 使用SERVICE_UUID 在pServer指向的BLE服务器上创建一个服务,// 并用指针pService指向这个服务。BLEService *pService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);// 在pService指向的BLE服务上开始创建一个服务应用BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic = pService->cre...
I had many problems developing with esp32c6 module and many BLE examples does not work for esp32c6, mainly if I select "Bluedroid-DualMode" in menuconfig. I did a functional section of my code bellow but I burning my head and I do not know how send data from esp32c6 BT module to ...
I am trying to send a large amount of data from SD card of 100bytes per line with more than 3000 lines to a smartphone by BLE. The MTU size set 128. Command to use some dummy data for testing purpose is shown below:Code: Select all...
I am trying to send data of an accelorometer through bluetooth of ESP32 to an android cellphone. My knowledge about blueooth is so basic. According to my undrestanding from my studying about bluetooth BLE, here ESP32 acts as server and cellphone is the client. My question is that to rea...
3.6 esp_blufi_send_custom_data 四、程序结构 使用esp-idf\examples\bluetooth\bluedroid\ble\blufi 中的例程 4.1 四个事件处理 4.1.1 WIFI部分事件处理 主要负责WIFI的连接、断开重连、扫描 static void wifi_event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, ...
I can see the string "read" dispalyed on my lightblue app. So the esp_ble_gatts_send_response sends the data to the lightblue app right? Now during my write event: Code:Select all caseESP_GATTS_WRITE_EVT:if(!param->write.is_prep){// the data length of gattc write must be less ...
仅对于该示例,不交换对等设备CSRK。对于每个密钥交换消息,都会触发一个“ESP_GAP_BLE_KEY_EVT”事件,该事件可用于打印接收到的密钥类型: caseESP_GAP_BLE_KEY_EVT://shows the ble key info share with peer device to the user.ESP_LOGI(GATTS_TABLE_TAG,"key type = %s", esp_key_type_to_str(param...
GATT stands for Generic Attributes and it defines an hierarchical data structure that is exposed to connected BLE devices. This means that GATT defines the way that two BLE devices send and receive standard messages. Understanding this hierarchy is important, because it will make it easier to ...
Issue: I am using esp-at SPI. I am acting as a BLE server and have a connected android client sending commands to retrieve data from the device. When using BLEGATTSNTFY to send data to the client, any packet that is larger than 26 bytes ...
ESP-IDF Releases Toolchain Setup: Windows, Linux, macOS Examples Components ESP-IDF Program Template AT Application for ESP32 ESP-IDF Other Espressif Projects OpenOCD (On-Chip Debugger) Branch with ESP32 JTAG Support BinUtils Fork with Support for the ESP32 ULP Co-processor ESP32 Bluetooth/BLE ...