在代码中创建Web服务器并设置路由,处理HTTP请求。主要是在handleVideoStream()函数中获取摄像头图像数据,并将其发送给客户端。 WebServerserver(80); voidhandleRoot(){ server.send(200,"text/html","Hello, World!"); } voidhandleNotFound(){ server.send(404,"text/plain","Not found"); } voidhandleV...
I (1194) AUDIO_THREAD: The input_key_service task allocate stack on external memory I (1203) VoIP_EXAMPLE: [ 2 ] Initialize av stream I (1214) DRV8311: ES8311 in Slave mode I (1226) gpio: GPIO[48]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 ...
Has anybody solved the runtime i2s compatibility issue within theav_stream_hal.handav_stream_hal_audio.cADF files ? As ESP IDF team has been unable to update these files for the time being to the new i2s drivers(i2s_std.h, i2s_pdm.h, i2s_tdm.h) i am hoping somebody in this commun...
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # 实例化 s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) #防止socket server重启后端口被占用(socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use) s.bind(('', 6666)) #bind端口 ...
1.直接使用pipeline_a2dp_source_stream示例项目来播放boot.mp3音频。在蓝牙耳机连接上后,音频可以播放,但是音频播放的速度比正常快很多; 2.测试了不同的mp3文件和不同的蓝牙耳机,发现还是快进播放; 3.同样的mp3文件,在play_mp3示例项目中,用耳麦或者喇叭方式,可以正常播放; 4.pipeline_bt_source示例项目,也是出现...
(req, _STREAM_BOUNDARY,strlen(_STREAM_BOUNDARY)); }if(fb->format!= PIXFORMAT_JPEG){free(_jpg_buf); }esp_camera_fb_return(fb);if(res != ESP_OK){break; }int64_tfr_end =esp_timer_get_time();int64_tframe_time = fr_end - last_frame; last_frame = fr_end; frame_time /=1000;...
const uint8_t SM_STREAM=6; const uint8_t SM_EARSPEAKER_HI=7; const uint8_t SM_DACT=8; const uint8_t SM_SDIORD=9; const uint8_t SM_SDISHARE=10; const uint8_t SM_SDINEW=11; const uint8_t SM_ADPCM=12; const uint8_t SM_LINE1=14; ...
如果蓝牙连接则使用AVRC协议,参考pipeline_a2dp_sink_stream 4. A: SR 模型在唤醒词改名后搜索不到? Q: 请在 $ADF_PATH/components/esp-sr/model/pack_model.py 中打包唤醒词。之后,请在 Kconfig 中添加相应的选项,并在编译前确保在 menuconfig 中选中它。 5. A: 如何在 ESP32-S3-LCD-EVB2 开发板上运...
Hi, someone known if using the ADF is possible to realtime encodes MP2 audio (MPEG1 Layer II) and encapsulate in TS to stream via UDP or RTP? This encoding standards is used in broadcasting trasmission like DVB and DAB/DAB+. If I can use the ESP32 I can very speedup the time to...