adc_digi_pattern_config_t *adc_pattern; ///< List of configs for each ADC channel that will be used uint32_t sample_freq_hz; /*!< The expected ADC sampling frequency in Hz. Range: 611Hz ~ 83333Hz Fs = Fd / interval / 2 Fs: sampling frequency; Fd: digital controller frequency, ...
// .adc1_chan_mask = adc1_chan_mask, // .adc2_chan_mask = adc2_chan_mask, // }; // ret = adc_digi_initialize(&adc_dma_config); // assert(ret == ESP_OK); // adc_digi_pattern_table_t adc_pattern[10] = {0}; // //Do not set the sampling frequency out of the range ...
staticvoidsingle_read(void*arg){// esp_err_t ret;// int adc1_reading[3] = {0xcc};intadc1_reading[1] = {0xcc};// int adc2_reading[1] = {0xcc};floatvout;// const char TAG_CH[][10] = {"ADC1_CH2", "ADC1_CH3","ADC1_CH4", "ADC2_CH0"};constcharTAG_CH[1][10] =...
staticvoidsingle_read(void*arg){// esp_err_t ret;// int adc1_reading[3] = {0xcc};intadc1_reading[1]={0xcc};// int adc2_reading[1] = {0xcc};floatvout;// const char TAG_CH[][10] = {"ADC1_CH2", "ADC1_CH3","ADC1_CH4", "ADC2_CH0"};constcharTAG_CH[1][10]={"AD...
sampling frequency, callback function analogContinuous(adc_pins, adc_pins_count, CONVERSIONS_PER_PIN, 20000, &adcComplete); // Start ADC Continuous conversions analogContinuousStart(); } void loop() { // Check if conversion is done and try to read data if (adc_coversion_done == true) {...
This leads me to believe that the actual sampling frequency of the ADC is 6 times slower than the one I set up. Is that possible? I expected a less severe variation when reading through the docs. Is something else severely wrong with my setup/app instead? I would appreciate any input yo...
Time to get one ADC value = 1 / Sampling rate = 1 / 2Msps = 0.5 microseconds To calculate the RMS voltage and current, you will need to collect multiple ADC samples over a period of time. The number of samples required depends on the frequency of the signal you are measuring and the...
2.4 ADC使用注意事项 前言 接下来的ESP32-C3 功能测试都是基于自己设计的开发板: 自己画一块ESP32-C3 的开发板(第一次使用立创EDA)(PCB到手) 开发环境是乐鑫官方的 ESP-IDF, 基于VScode插件搭建好的: ESP32-C3 VScode开发环境搭建(基于乐鑫官方ESP-IDF——Windows和Ubuntu双环境) ...
The sampling frequency given in the adc_digi_configuration_t structure before calling adc_digi_controller_configure() doesn't seem to have any purpose but to check for min max value. The variable conv_limit_num inside adc_digi_configuration_t seems to cause double variables when containing high...
Moreover, I am using an Adc Continuous Mode driver instance in order to sample a signal on ADC1 channel 0 with a frequency 64000Hz and asking something like 4000 samples. Is it possible to create another Adc Continuous Mode driver instance in order to sample another signal on ADC1 but on...