ADS1246_WriteReg(ADC_REG_MUX,&Cmd,1); //恢复正常模式 ADS1246_WriteCmd(ADC_CMD_SELFOCAL); //系统偏移自校准 R|=ADS1246_WaitBusy(); //等待校准完成 Cmd=0x01; ADS1246_WriteReg(ADC_REG_MUX,&Cmd,1); //设置AINP+AINN=(AVDD+AVSS)/2 ADS1246_WriteCmd(ADC_CMD_SYSOCAL); //系统偏移自...
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static void continuous_adc_init(uint16_t adc1_chan_mask, uint16_t adc2_chan_mask adc_digi_configuration_t dig_cfg = { .conv_limit_en = ADC_CONV_LIMIT_EN, .conv_limit_num = 250, .sample_freq_hz = 10 * 1000, .sample_freq_hz = 20 * 1000, .conv_mode...
When working in continuous mode, hardware will continuously trigger ADC to do conversions. On esp32s2, 2 bytes will be generated per conversion. Prior to this commit, driver assumes 4 bytes per conversion (on s2). This commit fixed this issue.Loading...
analogContinuousSetWidth() 应用示例 摘要:本文对 ESP32 芯片 ADC 的 API 进行了详细说明,包括ADC单次模式和ADC连续模式下的所有函数,并通过实例程序演示应用功能(附源代码)。 ADC(analog to digital converter)模数转换器,是一种非常常见的外设,用于将电压等模拟信号转换为数字形式,以便微控制器可以读取和处理。
I've set up the ADC in continuous (DMA) mode to store samples to a 1024 byte buffer with 256 byte frame size. The sample rate is 40 kHz and the resolution is 12 bits. I'm feeding a 2.2v, 1 kHz sine wave to the input (input looks good on the scope). I've set up the code...
ADC_InitTypeDef ADC_InitStructure; DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure; RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1,ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC|RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1,ENABLE); GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin=GPIO_Pin_1; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode=GPIO_Mode_AIN; ...
I have been trying to design a C++ class for wrapping ADC sampling with DMA based on a circular buffer. I was not able to make the DMA work although i was able to compile and write the ADC continuous mode config code. What i want to accomplish is the following: - I am hopping for...
staticvoidcontinuous_adc_init(uint16_tadc1_chan_mask,uint16_tadc2_chan_mask,adc_channel_t*channel,uint8_tchannel_num){adc_digi_init_config_tadc_dma_config = { .max_store_buf_size =4096, .conv_num_each_intr = TIMES, .adc1_chan_mask = adc1_chan_mask, .adc2_chan_mask = adc2_...
continuous_read(NULL); 函数,测试结果如下: 1.2 单次采样 单次采样比较简单,也是直接在上面的样例中修改,下面直接上修改后的测试代码: static void single_read(void *arg) { // esp_err_t ret; // int adc1_reading[3] = {0xcc}; int adc1_reading[1] = {0xcc}; ...
continuous_adc_init(adc1_chan_mask, adc2_chan_mask, channel, sizeof(channel) / sizeof(adc_channel_t)); adc_digi_start(); uint32_t ret_num = 0; uint8_t result[TIMES] = {0}; memset(result, 0xcc, TIMES); while (1) { adc_digi_read_bytes(result, TIMES, &ret_num, ADC_MAX_...