frommachineimportPinfromtimeimportsleep# 水位传感器sensor = Pin(26, Pin.IN)# 继电器relay = Pin(18, Pin.OUT)# 断开继电器relay.value(1) sensorValue = sensor.value()whileTrue:ifsensor.value() != sensorValue: sensorValue = sensor.value()print("Current sensor value is "+str(sensorValue))ifs...
// as first argument to getCurrentAC() method, if necessary float I = sensor.getCurrentAC(); // To calculate the power we need voltage multiplied by current float P = U * I; Serial.println(String("I = ") + I + " mA"); Serial.println(String("P = ") + P + " Watts"); d...
浮动电流= abs(return_current_value(INPUT_CURRENT_SENSE_PIN)); //从DS18B20读取温度 sensor.requestTemperatures(); //获取温度 tempC = sensor.getTempCByIndex(0); // tempF = sensor.getTempFByIndex(0); //计算功率和能量 功率=电流*电压; //以瓦为单位计算功率 last_time = current_time; curren...
Postbyregan.x»Tue May 07, 2024 5:11 am Hi ESP forum, I'm facing difficulty in configuring Winson's WCS1800 Hall effect current sensor with ESP32 to measure the AC current. I got to know that, +5V has to be supplied to the Hall effect current sensor. Do we need to add a volt...
ALLEGRO 霍尔、电流(压)传感器 ACS712ELCTR-30A-T SENSOR CURRENT HALL 30A AC/DC 距您较近 表面贴装型 深圳市金科世纪电子有限公司 3年 查看详情 面议 上海 SC9632霍尔高精密度传感器AB差分输出齿轮芯片 赛卓电子科技(上海)股份有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥1.00/个 广东深圳 DK300B020 霍尔传感器 LEM|莱...
Regulatory certificates: FCC ID: 2AC7Z-ESP32WROVER CE notified body: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (1313) SRRC CMIIT ID: 2017DP3657 ESP32-WROVER-I 4 MiB IS25WP032 4 MiB U.FL conn. MIFA (MIFA disabled) Shielded [Picture: ESP32-WROVER module with EM shield] Variation of ESP32...
Adafruit Unified Sensor Driver库下载 github上有关于wemos D1 Mini非常丰富的示例程序 github上的关于wemos D1 Mini全部例程下载地址打开上面的地址后,会显示下图的结构,examples->04.Shields->DHT_Shield->Simple目录下有完整测试代码。 上传程序到开发板,打开arduino IDE自带的串口软件观察是否正确的采集到了数据。
ESP32-S2-WROOM 与 ESP32-S2-WROOM-I 数据手册说明书 ESP32-S2-WROOM& ESP32-S2-WROOM-I Datasheet Version1.1 Espressif Systems Copyright©2020
Current sensor interfacing with Arduino AC power measurement using pic microcontroller One maindisadvantage of ESP32 ADCis that it has a non linear behavior. Graph below shows its non-linear curve. you can find more information about it on thislink. ...
DIODES/美台 霍尔、电流(压)传感器 ZMC05TA SENSOR CURRENT MR 5A AC/DC 距您较近 美台品牌 深圳市快快芯城电子有限公司 2年 广东深圳 查看详情 ¥0.01元 ≥1个 FS177是一种集成霍尔效应锁存传感器,设计用于电子换向无刷直流电机应用 距您较近 真实性已核验 换向 深圳市夸克微科技有限公司 2年 广东深...