ESP12E Motor Shield--ESP8266伴侣 esp8266的开发板有两个版本,体积上一大一小,大的核心为CH340,小的核心为cp2012,核心为cp2012的开发板,可以结合使用motor shiled,这款开发板是控制电机的,电机是一个大功率的用电器,所以需要专业的驱动模块。常用的电机驱动模块有L298N,L293D。这款板子相当于内置了电机驱动模块...
ESP12E Motor Shield 产品说明书 (直流电机驱动模块).pdf,深圳四博智联科技有限公司 ESP12E Motor Shield 产品说明书 直流电机驱动模块 二〇一五年五月 目录 1 产品简介2 2 产品技术规格2 3 机械尺寸3 4 产品接口4 5 文档修订记录5 6 技术支持5 1 1 产品简介 ESP12E Moto
ESP12E Motor Shield 产品说明书,介绍了关于ESP12E的产品说明 ESP12E Motor Shield 产品说明书2017-12-15 上传大小:798KB 所需:50积分/C币 arduino安信可ESP-12E规格书 安信可ESP8266-12E规格书 12E的好像比较少 上传者:weixin_41341299时间:2022-01-15 ...
This is a ESP8266 WiFi Motor Drive Expansion Shield for the NodeMCU module. It also has a motor driver so you can use the wifi module with motor for robots, smart cars and other applications. It has a on board power switch and can drive up to two motors. Specifications: ...
ESP8266 ESP-12E UART WIFI Wireless Shield Development Board Circuits Boards Modules ONE $1.82 - $2.42 Min. order: 1 piece ESP-12F D1 WiFi based ESP8266 shield $1.43 - $1.79 Min. order: 1 piece ESP8266 ESP-12 ESP-12E UART Wifi Wireless Shield Development Board For Mega ForModule Mega ...
1Set Motor Shield For WeMos D1 Mini TB6612FNG Wemos I2C Dual Motor Driver Shield Driving Module With Serial PotUSD 4.70/pieceFeatures: - for Arduino series motherboards or compatible motherboards can be used directly. - Power supply voltage: 5V - Module operating current: 240mA (max) ...
ESP8266 ESP-12 ESP12 ESP-12F Mini Module Wemos D1 Mini WiFi Development Board Micro USB 3.3V Based On ESP-8266EX 11 Digital PinUSD 1.57-2.42/piece 1Set Motor Shield For WeMos D1 Mini TB6612FNG Wemos I2C Dual Motor Driver Shield Driving Module With Serial PotUSD 4.70/pieceSpecification...
The LCD keypad shield and Arduino example code provided with the board make it simple to integrate into your projects, allowing for quick prototyping and testing. Whether you're working on a Raspberry Pi 4 virtual keyboard or an Arduino programming tutorial, this board is a valuable addition to...
DoitCar的WiFi控制板和驱动板分别是ESP12E DevKit和 ESP12E Motor Shield。 DoitCar的编程语言为Lua脚本,API大量封装,极大地方便用户进行产品快速原型开发。 DoitCar支持Arduino IDE编程。 l 电源输入: 电机电源(VM):4.5V~36V,可单独供电; 控制电源(VIN):4.5V~9V(10VMAX),可单独供电; 模块提供短路子(短路VM和...