}if(esp_tls_conn_http_new_sync(WEB_SERVER_URL, &cfg, tls) ==1) { ESP_LOGI(HTTPS_TAG,"Connection established..."); }else{ ESP_LOGE(HTTPS_TAG,"Connection failed...");intesp_tls_code =0, esp_tls_flags =
#8 0x42091e42 in esp_tls_conn_new_sync (hostname=hostname@entry=0x3fcb7ab0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3fcb7ab0>, hostlen=47, port=port@entry=443, cfg=cfg@entry=0x3fca64b4, tls=tls@entry=0x5000023c) at ../esp/esp-idf/components/esp-tls/esp_tls.c:522 ...
通过一步一步查找函数调用关系,可以找到ssl_connect-> esp_tls_conn_new_sync-> esp_tls_low_level_conn-> esp_tcp_connect的函数调用链条。开发者只需要在esp_tcp_connect函数中将域名、IP、端口信息提取出来即可,因为这个函数的输入参数就是域名、端口,经DNS解析后,IP信息就会存在于某一变量中。提取方法有多种...
{ ESP_TLS_INIT = 0, ESP_TLS_CONNECTING, ESP_TLS_HANDSHAKE, ESP_TLS_FAIL, ESP_TLS_DONE, } esp_tls_conn_state_t; typedef enum esp_tls_role { ESP_TLS_CLIENT = 0, ESP_TLS_SERVER, } esp_tls_role_t; /** * @brief ESP-TLS preshared key and hint structure */ typedef struct psk...
@@ -537,9 +538,8 @@ int esp_tls_conn_new_sync(const char *hostname, int hostlen, int port, const esp if (!cfg || !tls || !hostname || hostlen < 0) { return -1; } struct timeval time = {}; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); uint32_t start_time_ms = (time.tv_sec * 1000...
According to user @boarchuz it's not the top level do {} while loop mentioned above but a loop deeper down in mbed_tls:https://github.com/espressif/mbedtls/bl ... 1765-L1766 Would be nice if this would get any more attention ...
可同时分别执行 HTTP 与 HTTPS 请求,文件位置:./main/https_request_example_main.c // ./main/https_request_example_main.c/** HTTPS GET Example using plain Mbed TLS sockets** Contacts the howsmyssl.com API via TLS v1.2 and reads a JSON* response.** Adapted from the ssl_client1 example ...
.pin_vsync = VSYNC_GPIO_NUM, .pin_href = HREF_GPIO_NUM, .pin_pclk = PCLK_GPIO_NUM, .xclk_freq_hz =20000000, .ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0, .ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0, .pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG,// .frame_size = FRAMESIZE_VGA,// FRAMESIZE_UXGA (1600 x 1200)// FRAM...
1. ESP32cam通过MQTT协议上传图片数据到阿里云平台1.1 阿里云物联网平台相关配置进入阿里云物联网平台创建公共实例阿里云物联网平台网址:[链接]选择 华东2(...