esp32 esp_timer_get_time 过多久回到0 esp32 时间 1. 之前的尝试(失败的尝试) 咸鱼买了3块ESP32开发板。背面写了NODEMCU v1.1,好像这玩意可以直接写lua,也可以刷Micropython写python,还可以用Arduino IDE写c。我想直接用官方库写C。 和乐鑫的这块开发板(ESP32-DevKitC)外观还挺像的(外观和引脚),可以参考这...
#include"esp_timer.h"voidmeasure_important_function(void){constunsignedMEASUREMENTS =5000;uint64_tstart = esp_timer_get_time();uint64_tretries =0;while(retries < MEASUREMENTS) { important_function(); retires++; }uint64_tend = esp_timer_get_time();printf("%u iterations took %llu milliseconds...
Re: how to SET esp_timer_get_time() ? Postbylbernstone»Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:40 pm The rtc clock will run through deep sleep if the rtc power domain is on. Note that the following example shows ticks, not usec. ... rtc.h#L524 ...
esp_timer_get_time());56ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(500000));57esp_light_sleep_start();58ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Woke up from light sleep, time since boot: %lld us", esp_timer_get_time());5960//让计时器再运行一会61usleep(2000000);6263//停止和清除计时器64...
Moved router entry pointer in timeout handler (58992e2) Added parsing when txt entry key pointer is NULL (58992e2) Fixed eventfd missing issue when SPI interface is enabled (feb62db) Fixed the race condition in rx buffer count operation (54e7b73) Fixed openthread alarm timer calculation remain...
一旦定时器被启用,它的计数器就会开始运行。要启用计时器,请timer_init()使用counter_enset调用该函数true,或调用timer_start()。 您可以通过调用指定计时器的初始计数器值timer_set_counter_value()。 要检查计时器的当前值,请调用timer_get_counter_value()或timer_get_counter_time_sec()。
xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); for (;;) { time = esp_timer_get_time(); deltaT = time - endTime; endTime = time; // Wait for the next cycle. //xWasDelayed = xTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, xFrequency); vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, xFrequency); // time = esp_timer_...
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM 1 #if LV_TICK_CUSTOM #define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE "esp_timer.h" /*Header for the system time function*/ #define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_SYS_TIME_EXPR (esp_timer_get_time() / 1000LL) /*Expression evaluating to current syst...
In this tutorial we will see both Timer and Ticker examples ESP8266 Ticker Example Ticker is library for calling functions repeatedly with a certain period.Ticker is os_timerEach Ticker calls one function. You can have as many Tickers as you like, memory being the only limitation. A function...
esp_timer_get_time());5960//让计时器再运行一会61usleep(2000000);6263//停止和清除计时器64ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_stop(periodic_timer));65ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_delete(periodic_timer));66ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_delete(oneshot_timer));67ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Stopped and deleted timers");68...