[short for Polaroid Land Camera]a portable camera that develops the film negative internally and produces a print within seconds after the process is initiated (Polaroid Land Camera的缩略式)(一种即照即成相片的照相机)波拉罗伊德照相机;“拍立来...
added an alternative to waitForConnectResult() for debugging changed setTimeout(seconds) to setConfigPortalTimeout(seconds) Contributions and thanks The support and help I got from the community has been nothing short of phenomenal. I can't thank you guys enough. This is my first real attept...
Answers checklist. I have read the documentation ESP-IDF Programming Guide and the issue is not addressed there. I have updated my IDF branch (master or release) to the latest version and checked that the issue is present there. I have s...
(code) Secure remote device management Ethernet support for ESP32 Bluetooth support for ESP32 NuttX RTOS ESP32 Support MicroPython Official MicroPython Download (binary firmware) Repository In the micropython-esp32 repository, the esp32 branch is the default branch (and more active) rather than the...
About the Silva system, I would say it is the most powerful single tool that I have to offer patients. 关于Silva system,我想说它是个最强大的一个单一的工具,我提供病人。 ~ Dr O Carl Simonton, the research pioneer in imagery therapy for cancer from ...
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to ...
2.await: vt. 1 wait for sth.等待;等候2 if sth. awaits you, it will happen to you)将降临到…身上 3.vehicle: n.[](ml.) a machine with an engine that is used to take people or things from one place to another, ...
Well, this is a short version of our naming convention here at the ESP Easy initiative. We started to call the extensive re-write of the source code "Mega", which is an hint of the size needed for the next big stable release. Prior to mega we allowed smaller mem-sizes (sub-megabyte...
The device is integrated in SMART7 technology. 特征描述 Basic Features High-Side Switch with Diagnosis and Embedded Protection Part of SPOC™+2 Family Daisy Chain capable SPI interface 3.3 V and 5 V compatible logic pins Slew rate control for all Channels ...
set automesh [0|1]: selects, whether the automesh mode is on or off (default), see details herehttps://github.com/martin-ger/esp_wifi_repeater#automesh-mode set am_thresholddB: sets the threshold for a "bad" connection (in negative dB, default 85, i.e. -85 dB) ...