Widodo, H. P. (2016). Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP): English for Vocational Purposes (EVP). In: Renandya W., Widodo H. (eds.). English Language Teaching Today. English Language Education, Vol. 5. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-38834-2_19....
3)English Language Studies (英语语言):适用于所有希望提供英语能力的专业人士, 并需要在专业工作场所展示高水平的英语交际能力;4)English Language Teaching (英语教学):为在职和未来的英语教师而设置, 帮助学生在设计和开展沉浸式通用和特定的英语语言教学中获得知识和技能;备注:1)提交申请时, 申请者需要...
TEACHING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND TEACHER TRAINING The need for a lingua franca of science, technology, education, and business has led to the worldwide demand of English for Specific Purpose (ESP). The field of ESP has rapidly developed recently to become a major part in English lang...
study. In the current process of college English teaching in my country, English graded education is mainly adopted, and targeted English teaching can be achieved by implementing reasonable grades. This method is called ESP teaching. This article initially explores the meaning of ESP teaching, combin...
关键词:ESP课程教学;跨学科外语;人才培养 中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008—7192(2012)03—0078—05 ESPTeaching:theStudyofTrainingInterdisciplinary ForeignLanguag, Talents oretgnLanguage1alents LIMing—qiu (Dalian0ceanUniversity,Dalian 116023,China) Abstract:IntroducingESP(EnglishforSpecificPurpos...
(EngIishDepartment,AnkangTeachers CoIIegeAnkang725000,China)Abstract:VocabularyisamainprobleminlearningESP.Theessayanalyzestheimportanceandcharacteristicsofthe o-cabularyinESPteachingandsimplyillustratestheteachingmethodsofESP.Keywords:ESP(Englishforspecialpurposes); ocabularyteaching;languageteaching在大学英语基础阶段...
ESP (English for Specific Purposes) refers to a set of teaching methods that focus on the particular and practical language skills that students require for their specific fields. It is widely used in higher education, and in particular, in vocational education. In this essay, we will discuss ...
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, First Edition. Edited by John I. Liontas (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini). © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0378English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Tes...
ESP (English for Specific Purposes)指专门用途英语,它是英语教学领域的一个分支。Hutchinson 和 Waters 给ESP下了如下定义:ESP是一种探讨各种基于学习者需求的语言教学方法理论 (ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner´s reason ...
2.ESP is a significant branch of English Language Teaching(ELT).ESP(English for Specific Purposes,特殊用途英语)是重要的一种英语教学分支,本文主要介绍了与之英语相关的需要分析。 3.The paper introduces readers to ESP(English for Specific Purposes) theory and possible placement of Aviation English in ...