So how can I download STM32 firmware bin file to ESP32 using MQTT? And I also can find espressif example of OTA update only via HTTPS. So is there any example or project that I can refer to for this as well? I am currently developing it on esp-idf-v4.3.1. Need your kind help....
Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs. - espressif/esp-idf
Getting Started Guide for the latest (master branch) ESP-IDF version Finding a Project As well as the esp-idf-template project mentioned in Getting Started, ESP-IDF comes with some example projects in the examples directory. Once you've found the project you want to work with, change to it... set-target esp32 1.4.2 编译工程 编译工程,输入命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 build 运行命令可以编译应用程序和所有 ESP-IDF 组件,接着生成 bootloader、分区表和应用程序二进制文件: 编译完成后会在项目文件夹下生成一个build文件夹,所有的bin文件和BootLoader也会在该目录下 1.4.3 烧录固件 ... 是一个python脚本,如果你电脑Python环境比较复杂,无法直接命令行执行,可以直接指定esp的python环境直接执行,如: C:\Users\vell0\.espressif\python_env\idf4.4_py3.10_env\Scripts\python.exe D:\Downloads\Compressed\esp-idf-v4.4\tools\ ...
添加自己的 ESP-IDF SDK路径,当然也可以选择 download 下载最新的版本。同样是考虑网速问题。 选择一个自己的工具安装路径 默认选项,点击下一步,Install , 安装程序会自动帮你完成依赖环境的配置 在这里我遇到过安装失败,是 Python 相关的问题,相关问题我在下面一章介绍,但是如果你的用户名是英文的,程序是能够正常...
Inno Download Plugin— used to download additional files during the installation. 7-zip— used to extract downloaded IDF archives. cmdlinerunner— a helper DLL used to run external command-line programs from the installer, capture live console output, and get the exit code. ...
检测gpio9是不是接了其他设备,或者有电路连接gpio9,导致rst后esp检测到的电平不为高导致出错,这个... -p COM3 monitor 下面我们要运行Hello World example for ESP32. 由于我们是在windows上运行,所以 第一步我们要安装windows的make环境 Win10安装gcc、g++、make MinGW官网下载: 点击右上角Downloads 点击下载mingw-get-setup.exe (MinGW-Get Version 0.6.3-pre-20170905-1 (Beta)... 1、下载工具链 cd ~/esp tar -xzf ~/Downloads/xtensa-esp32-elf-osx-1.22.0-61-gab8375a-5.2.0.tar.gz 2、下载框架本身 git clone --recursive ...