一、ESP-IDF生成静态库方案简述 由于ESP-IDF默认在项目编译时,会将项目components文件夹下的每个 component输出成对应的.a库文件,并且最终存放项目的build/esp-idf文件夹下,所以我们仅需将目标模块做成一个component(组件)。 图1 ESP-IDF工程结构示意 图2 .a文件示意 二、ESP-IDF生成静态库 1.创建初始工程 按照...
一个用于给ESP-IDF环境下的,对SSD1306环境使用的驱动程序。. Contribute to LunaticLegacy/SSD1306-Library-for-ESP-IDF development by creating an account on GitHub.
一个用于给ESP-IDF环境下的,对SSD1306环境使用的驱动程序。. Contribute to LunaticLegacy/SSD1306-Library-for-ESP-IDF development by creating an account on GitHub.
git submodule add https://github.com/joltwallet/esp_littlefs.git The library can be configured viamake menuconfigunderComponent config->LittleFS. Documentation See the official ESP-IDF SPIFFS documentation, basically all the functionality is the same; just replacespiffswithlittlefsin all function calls....
。当您编写通常在项目模式下处理的CMakeLists.txt(cmake </path/to/source/dir>)时,ESP-IDF实际...
(IDF_PROJECT_EXECUTABLE my_app)# Add FreeRTOS as a subdirectory. AFR_BOARD tells which board to target.set(AFR_BOARD espressif.esp32_devkitc CACHE INTERNAL"") add_subdirectory(freertos)# Link against the mqtt library so that we can use it. Dependencies are transitively# linked.target_link_...
To use BLE, you must add an entry for NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription to your app.json. Contributing License MIT Made withcreate-react-native-library Package Sidebar Install npm i@orbital-systems/react-native-esp-idf-provisioning Repository ...
docs: Provide link to a library submodule required for building API do… 6年前 CMakeLists.txt Fix the cmake incorrect condition. 5年前 LICENSE Update LICENSE 7年前 README.md Update ESP-ADF readme 5年前 project.mk make: only use default IDF_PATH if it's not defined ...
(IDF_PROJECT_EXECUTABLE my_app)# Add FreeRTOS as a subdirectory. AFR_BOARD tells which board to target.set(AFR_BOARD espressif.esp32_devkitc CACHE INTERNAL"") add_subdirectory(freertos)# Link against the mqtt library so that we can use it. Dependencies are transitively# linked.target_link_...
ESP-DSP is intended to be used as anESP-IDFcomponent. For the introduction to ESP-IDF, refer to theESP-IDF Programming Guide. The ESP-DSP library includes implementations of the following functions: Matrix multiplication:reference Dot product:reference,example ...