Modbus master err = 0x107 (ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT)by rtborg » Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:02 pm I am using the Modbus master example with the following hardware: - ESP32 DevKitC V4 - RTU mode, baud rate 115200 - Slave respond timeout: 2000 ms...
I get timeout error when reaching "i2c_master_cmd_begin" I used an Arduino I2C scanner and was working fine I'm sure it's not a hw problem This is the code that was working fine and now is not working ` i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd; ...
* ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT:等待TX队列时超时 * ESP_FAIL:TX队列已禁用,且当前正在传输另一条消息 * ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE:CAN驱动程序未运行或未安装 * ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED:只听模式不支持发送 ***/ //从接收队列接收1个消息,若队列为空,则阻塞 esp_err_t twai_receive( twai_message_t *message, //...
;xSemaphoreTake(print_mux,portMAX_DELAY);if(ret==ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT){ESP_LOGE(TAG,"I2C Timeout");}elseif(ret==ESP_OK){printf("***\n");printf("MASTER READ SENSOR( BH1750 )\n");printf("***\n");printf("data_h: %02x\n",sensor_data_h);printf("data_l: %02x\n",sensor_data_l...
if(thread == ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT){} else{ T = (getTemperature()/100.0); H = (getHumidity()/100.0); } sprintf(th_data,"tem:%.2f , hum:%.2f",T,H); esp\_ble\_gatts\_set\_attr\_value(param->read.handle,sizeof(th_data),(uint8\_t\*)th_data); ...
Timeout: connSupervisionTimeout参数,以10ms为单位 ChM: 标记要使用的数据信道 Hop: hopIncrement, 是跳频算法的参数 SCA: 主机的sleep时钟误差参数 由以上这些字段决定了BLE连接的初始参数。从机如何知道主机会在什么时候,在那个信道发送数据包?请看下面这个图:主机...
identifier = MSG_ID, .data_length_code =8, .data = {0x02,0x01,0x0D,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}};twai_message_trx_msg;intflag_tran = twai_transmit(&tx_msg, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));intflag_rec = twai_receive(&rx_msg, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));if(flag_rec == ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT ...
10:44:58 [ESP8266 ] AT CMD[AT+CIPSEND=0,1336] STATEOK[0x81] STATEERR[0x83]tiMEOUT[15000...
thread = SHT2X_THMeasure(I2C_MASTER_NUM);if(thread == ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT){}else{ T = (getTemperature()/100.0); H = (getHumidity()/100.0); }sprintf(th_data,"tem:%.2f , hum:%.2f",T,H); esp_ble_gatts_set_attr_value(param->read.handle,sizeof(th_data),(uint8_t*)th_data);...
} else if ( r == ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ) { printf("%s: ADC2 not initialized yet.\n", esp_err_to_name(r)); } else if ( r == ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT ) { //This can not happen in this example. But if WiFi is in use, such error code could be returned. ...